Chapter 86

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William's eyes glazed over as he sat on the leather couch. He focused on one thing and that was Sam Fletcher, the Beta wolf. All day it was awkward between them. He regretted being so blunt because he lied; If he were into guys, Sam would be his type.

He's hyper like him, kind, funny and very good-looking. The fact that he's a werewolf shines a daring personality and one that William would love to get to know a little better. He just didn't want to see him hurt because he can't see them being mates.

Yes, they are drawn to each other but surely, it can't be because they are connected, right?

"Sam, can I talk to you for a minute?" He questioned and stood up. Jacob and Hunter were also in the living room but of course, they were in their own little bubble.

"Sure." Sam followed him, feeling a little nervous and disappointed that their friendship is slowly crashing and burning.

William glanced around to find nobody in the corridor. Turning, Sam looked so concerned that he had to pull him into a hug. The werewolf was taller than him as he rested his head against his shoulder and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"I'm so sorry," He mumbled before he hugged back. Liking the way he smelled, he carried on with his apology. "What I said this morning, I didn't mean it. But it was the only thing I could think of to make you question your feelings for me." William pulled back and looked up. Sam appeared to be more relaxed. "I'm really flattered and if you were a human then I would really consider dating you because you are my type. But you're a werewolf and you need a mate, not a boyfriend."

Sam nodded and dared to take his hands. His fingers were cold and he longed to hold them until he could share his warmth.

"I know it's weird that I like you as much as I do, but it'll never change." He sighed and forced himself to make eye contact. "I know that I can't get attached to people, I don't want a broken heart when I find my mate because I've fallen in love with someone else. I know a relationship can't develop between us but we can be great friends."

William smiled and nodded. He squeezed his warm fingers, wishing he could satisfy his needs.

"Of course. This has changed nothing between us. I just hope you find your mate soon because you deserve to be happy."

Sam beamed from ear to ear. Even though it was wishful of him to view William as a possible mate, he feels a lot better after talking openly about it.

"So do you, Will. But I'm just gonna say this now... whoever you end up dating, I will hate them."

William laughed and let go of his hands.

"I would expect nothing less." He studied his bright blue eyes, loving the hint of sparkle returning to his gaze. "So... can I throw sticks for your wolf now?"

* * * * *

"No! Get away from me!" Jacob jumped on the bed as Hunter edged closer with a cheeky grin. They were in the bedroom, trying to amuse themselves from boredom. He held out his hand and allowed the big spider to dangle by a leg.

"It's more scared of you than you are of-"

"You don't know how it feels! Stop holding it like that, you're gonna hurt it."

"But you're scared of it."

"So, that doesn't mean I want it inured. just go and put it outside!"

Hunter stepped on the bed and Jacob bolted to the other side of the room.

"Oh come on-" Hunter stopped when Jacob started rubbing his hands together.

"I will shock you if you do not leave me alone." His eyes were confident and Hunter, being the affection obsessed wolf that he was, liked his bold attitude.

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