Chapter 22

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William stood outside the college. It was three in the afternoon and his brother was nowhere to be seen. He didn't spot him at lunch and Jacob wasn't waiting for him by the door like he usually did. William had already texted his brother to ask if he was okay, but he got no reply, which was even more alarming.

After hovering by the exit for a minute longer, William decided to call his brother despite him hating speaking on the phone.

* * * * *

Jacob sat on the wooden steps of Hunter's family home. He watched Hunter and Anthony who had changed into their wolf forms. They were both huge white wolves effortlessly prancing around the big field.

Margo was sitting next to Jacob. She adored his calm aura. "Is it still unusual to see us as wolves? How many times has Hunter shown you his wolf form?" she asked, making Jacob jump.

"Um, yeah it's uh, weird still," he said quietly and wrapped arms around himself. "Hunter has shown me a few times."

"I bet he tried to lick your face too," she chuckled when Jacob nodded. "He gets very excited when in his wolf form. He still acts like a pup."

Jacob's brown eyes followed the two wolves. He could tell which one was Hunter because, for some reason, he stood out to him like a bright star in the sky.

Before Margo could say anything else, Jacob's phone started ringing. She watched as he fumbled around in his pockets before pulling it out.

"Hi Will," he answered and hurried away. Margo smiled as he wandered around the side of the house to get some privacy.

"Hey," his brother's cheery voice said on the other end of the call. "Sorry for calling, but I'm standing outside college now, where are you?"

Jacob's heart leapt up his throat. What should he say? "I um, I'm staying behind to do some work," he lied, sitting on the grass and leaning his back against the wall, hoping his brother didn't want to join him.

William could hear birds chirping in the background and he tried not to smirk, knowing he would sound amused. "Are you sure? You sound like you're outside."

Jacob stared at a beetle as it adventured through the grass blades. "I'm sure. Bye-"

"Wait, hold on a sec," William chuckled. "If you're at that field, it's fine. I know you like peace and quiet, but please tell me if you're going. You don't have to lie to me, it's my job to lie to mum and dad." Jacob smiled. He loved his brother. "Just text me when you're coming home alright?"

"Okay," Jacob said and lifted his head when a great white wolf bounced into view. "Bye Will."

"See you later."

When Jacob hung up, Hunter sat on his back legs and panted with a tongue sticking out of his mouth. He was tired from running around and play fighting with his dad.

Jacob studied his muddy paws.

"Stroke me please." Hunter leant forwards and nudged Jacob's shoulder with his nose. Without hesitation this time, Jacob lifted his hand and sank it into the soft white fur. His other hand caressed Hunter's ear because he remembered him saying that he liked it.

"There's nothing better than being stroked by you."

Jacob watched his tail wag with excitement and a small smile crept its way onto his face.

"And I love that smile." Hunter lifted his head and licked Jacob across his face.

Jacob scrunched his eyes shut and immediately wiped it. "I can't decide if that's gross or not," He said and Hunter did it again.

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