Chapter 29

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"When did Alisha leave?" Jacob asked. It was half ten and he was getting ready to go to bed. So was his brother.

"Shortly after you bolted," William sighed. "It was weird though, she seemed almost proud of herself for doing that to you." He didn't like how she continued to show them pictures of Jacob and Hunter together when it was clearly obvious he hadn't told his family.

"Tell him that I know her and she doesn't like me," Hunter suggested in Jacob's head. "Tell him it's because you think she's homophobic."

Jacob knew they needed to start building her a negative profile.

"She knows Hunter," He said quietly. Lying always felt so wrong but it wasn't technically a lie. "She doesn't like him and Hunter thinks it's because she's homophobic or something."

William studied him for a moment.

"Well if she is homophobic, I'll drop her in a heartbeat. I don't get why people are, it's stupid really," William said and finished his sentence with a yawn. He then chuckled and shook his head. "I still can't believe you and Hunter are together. I definitely did not see that coming."

"Me neither, to be honest," Jacob mumbled.

"How did it happen by the way?"

Jacob chewed on his bottom lip. What should he say?

"We met up with the project and just got on really well," Jacob said quietly. To him, that sounded like a legitimate reason.

"And then, one thing led to another?" William chuckled. "I'm proud of you though. I didn't think you had the confidence. I also didn't think you'd be his type or he'd be yours."

"What do you mean?" Jacob frowned.

"Well, you're so quiet and he's... not quiet," He chuckled. "But if you're making it work, I'm really happy for you."

Jacob smiled and laid down on his bed. He was happy for himself. This was a new chapter in his life and it was heading in a good direction for once.

* * * * *

That night, when Grace came home and climbed into bed, Scott turned around with an angry frown.

"Don't think for one minute that this has sorted itself out," He muttered.

"I know I was harsh but I was only saying the truth."

"You tore him to shreds," Scott sat up. He was very angry at her. "How do you think that made him feel? You're his mother, you're supposed to think he's the best person in the world. You talked about him like he was a stranger to you."

"He's just not ready for this," She sighed sadly. "I don't want to see him hurt."

"You have got to stop babying him. He's never going to get better with you constantly breathing down his neck. He's old enough to know what he wants. Hunter seems to be a lovely guy and by the looks of things, he knows Jacob more than you do."

"How can you be so open about it? If they break up then Jacob will be so much worse-"

"He knows what he's doing Grace. You don't have the right to decide who he's worthy of dating. In my eyes, he's too good for everyone because he's my son and he deserves the best. Hunter is good for him, end of. Don't speak to me, I'm so angry at you." Scott turned and faced the opposite way while his wife stared at his back with tears in her eyes.

Although, she had no right to be upset.

* * * * *

When Scott pulled up outside the college, he turned to Jacob who was sitting next to him in the front seat.

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