Chapter 13

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The bond grew and their bodies throbbed. Judging by how hard Jacob squeezed Hunter's hands, he struggled and wasn't sure about the changes. He was incredibly nervous and his heart was beating a little too fast.

Hunter allowed his mate's thoughts, feelings, emotions, and soul to run through his body. He was able to relax. Jacob couldn't. The human was tense and trying to breathe properly. It felt like a powerful wind rushed through him, but there was barely a small breeze moving in the air.

What Jacob felt was a mixture of him and Hunter. He couldn't explain why he knew the emotions in his heart were not his own.

Thirty more seconds, then everything the boys experienced stopped, and Jacob fell forwards. He let go of Hunter's hands and placed them on the grass. His head span like he just stepped off a roundabout.

Hunter was calm and felt rather tranquil. He knew he'd be that way, his body was built for it. Jacob was only human. It was easy for him to be overwhelmed. "Are you alright?" Hunter asked. Even though he coped with it well, he needed to get used to feeling someone else's soul.

Jacob rubbed his chest with a worried frown. "I feel strange," he breathed and lifted his gaze to Hunter. He then felt the connection. An instant attraction and a lot of sudden affection tingled the back of his throat. His eyes widened and glued to beautiful grey ones.

Hunter felt the love pierce his heart.

Even though they barely knew each other, the love would come whether they like it or not. They couldn't control it, not now that the bond was set.

"Jacob," Hunter spoke his name with such softness that the human melted right there. "Do you feel that too?"

Jacob slowly nodded with a mouth half open. It was hard to believe that he wasn't in a dream.

Hunter then smiled and Jacob watched his mouth with a strong craving to be so much closer. In the back of his mind, he knew how odd the situation was and how he surely shouldn't believe anything that was happening to him.

"We're mates now," Hunter said and he too had the burning desire to make physical contact. "It's normal to feel like this and the emotion should calm down in a few days. We've only just connected, so our bodies need time to adjust."

Jacob nodded and attempted to relax. He found it hard when all he wanted to do was ask a million questions and hug him for eternity. He had to fight it, he couldn't latch onto him and never let go.

"You can if you want," Hunter chuckled. Their eyes connected once more and Jacob remember that Hunter could, in fact, read his mind. "I know you're not the type of person to hug people or show your affection, but it'll be different when you're around me. It's okay if you need to be closer, don't forget that I'm feeling the exact same way."

Jacob did feel very different in his presence. He felt like it would be okay to pour all of his troubles onto him. The confidence was also very strange. He wasn't used to wanting to open up around anyone, let alone a stranger.

Jacob was trying to get used to hearing Hunter's thoughts instead of only what the voice wanted him to hear. Hunter wasn't capable of just talking, his mate could now hear him constantly thinking.

Hunter spent a few more seconds of watching the human before he couldn't hold back. He moved onto his knees and shuffled closer. Usually, Jacob would quickly edge back, but he didn't because deep down, he wanted him that close.

Jacob's scent filled Huter's nose with instant pleasure. Never in his life has he wanted to kiss someone with so much passion. Jacob would probably have heart failure if he even dared to try.

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