Chapter 8

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There's a lot of controversy over the size of Hunter's pack. Honestly, I like that it's small and not every werewolf book has to have like a million pack members! I'm doing things a little different. Also, thank you for reading! Have a great day ;)

- Sian

The next morning, Jacob woke up feeling incredibly tired. He rolled over onto his back and rubbed his puffy eyes until they were able to focus on his bedroom. He glanced at William who was very deep in sleep. He wished that was him when a yawn forced its way out.

It was 6:30 in the morning. He had an hour before his mum entered to wake them up but he knew he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep now.

He sighed and sat up, hating it when he struggled through the night. It took him hours to fall asleep and it felt like he woke up several times.

"I struggled to sleep last night too."

The voice echoed loud in Jacob's head making him jump, disturbing the silent room.

"Go away."

"I just couldn't stop thinking about you."

Jacob rolled his eyes and stared at his door with a blank gaze. "Can you let me have at least one hour of peace?"

"You have no idea how hard it is to ignore talking to you. I really wish I could."

"Well try," Jacob grumbled.

"I can't."

He decided to get out of bed so he could start getting ready. If he took his time but stayed productive, he might find it easier to ignore the voice.

"I enjoy listening to your thoughts, you tend to zone out quite a lot."

"My grandparents think I'm only useful for daydreaming," Jacob sighed and started rummaging through his chest of drawers.

"That's not true, but you daydream more often than not."

"That's your fault."

"You know that's not true either. It's just who you are."

Jacob wished he could blame the voice for a lot of things but him being a dreamer wasn't one. He often found it difficult to concentrate and his mind wandered all the time. He had always been like that which is probably why he's so shy, lost in his own thoughts instead of socialising with people.

"I wish it wasn't."

"Don't be negative or you'll start the day bad."

Jacob slowly made his way into the bathroom and tried to think about anything other than why he hated his own personality. He wished he was like his brother who was confident, funny and really great at giving people good first impressions.

Jacob stuttered and choked on his words. He would rather hide in a corner than be in a busy crowd.

"I find that so cute."

"What's cute about that? I'm so socially awkward, I'd rather talk to a voice in my head than to an actual person."

Jacob could've sworn he heard a chuckle in the back of his mind.

"Soon, that'll change." The deep voice almost made Jacob miss his mouth with his toothbrush. "In fact, that'll change very, very soon."

* * * * *

When the brothers arrived at college, the voice hadn't stopped talking to Jacob. He found it hard to get ready. He almost left the house without putting on his shoes or having his bag.

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