Chapter 21

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Margo and Anthony kept their explaining about werewolves simple. They told Jacob about the history of their kind and how they've existed for as long as humans and their race have always been a secret. They spoke to Jacob about their way of life and how it differs from humankind.

The Rayson family, which was them, are the leaders of the wolf society within the city. Anthony and Margo are the top Alphas and they get paid to make sure everything is in order and stays that way.

Hunter was only going to college to do something with his time, until he was old enough to take over his parent's role.

Margo and Anthony then explained more about the bond which was when Jacob really tuned in to what they were saying. They reassured him that everything he was feeling was completely normal.

"Because our son is an Alpha wolf, his love towards you will be much stronger. I know this sounds almost insulting to humans, but he'll see you as his and you're no longer anyone else's. We are very protective creatures and have ugly amounts of jealousy within us. Hunter's time is devoted to his mate and you'll have to put in the effort too," Anthony said and crossed his arms. He had to be truthful. "Because it's early days and my son didn't treat you with the respect you deserve, it's okay for you to reject his affection until you're used to this lifestyle. But Jacob, you can't reject it forever. Hunter's feelings are very strong towards you and it will cause him physical and psychological pain if these patches remain in your bond."

Jacob did notice Hunter's dominant nature. The way he hit Brad was a very overprotective thing to do. Jacob almost felt like he was losing his freedom, but of course, he wasn't. He was just out of his depth and not in control, which was nothing new.

"Overtime, you will develop mind links with the pack when those friendships are built. You can block them out, including Hunter's thoughts. This will take practice but doing it at your current stage will not be wise. You need to strengthen your bond before doing that," Margo said.

Jacob glanced at Hunter who's arm was still touching his.

"Are you alright? Is this too much information?" Hunter questioned in his head.

"I'm fine."

Hunter connected their gaze and smiled as warmly as he could. "Would you like to meet the rest of my pack today? Or are you still not ready?"

Jacob tried not to melt, but it filled him with hot fuzz.

"I don't think he's ready," Margo added. "Give him time to get used to you first."

Hunter nodded and continued to study his mate.

"Do you feel better about this situation, Jacob?" Anthony asked. Telling the truth to a human wasn't sitting well with him. "We'll answer any questions you have."

Jacob nodded. Now that he had a better understanding of werewolves and how Hunter and himself are inclined to feel, he did manage to swallow his anxieties.

"Good." Anthony liked Jacob, but he wasn't sure how the community would accept it. It would have to be announced, of course, he couldn't keep his son's mate a secret.

"Come on," Hunter said and stood up, "let's go into my room for a little while."

Jacob followed him while Margo and Anthony eyes followed them. As soon as Jacob set foot in Hunter's room, Anthony and Margo noticed how Hunter didn't show a single flinch of emotion.

Once the door was shut behind the boys, they looked at each other. "I can't believe this is happening."

Margo lifted a hand and rubbed the back of her husbands neck. "It was very unexpected," she smiled. "I didn't suspect he was gay at all."

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