Chapter 85

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William's eyes scaled the dark room. If Sam had not kept his curtains open then he would not have been able to see without the glorious moonlight.

When his blurry vision fell upon a lump curled under a duvet, his mind was not sewn together enough to register what he was doing. All he knew is that he wanted warmth as he stumbled over to Sam's bed. He was loud but that didn't wake up the sleeping werewolf.

William was not able to record the fact that he was in the wrong room. If Sam woke up, he didn't think about how he would react, having him invading his territory was not going to end well.

Scott made it to the top of the stairs and looked around, not seeing his son. Thinking that he had wavered into his own room, he walked down the corridor with a glass of water.

William fell into the bed and the werewolf started to stir.

"Shush," He slurred to himself and gripped the duvet.

Scott opened the door to William's bedroom. The light was on but he couldn't see him. The room was neat and tidy as he walked into the bathroom, slightly concerned.

"Will?" He called but there was only silence in the sleeping household. As he glanced around, he recalled seeing Sam's bedroom door open. It was just a crack but he wondered if his son had entered the wrong room.

William's face fell into the pillow next to Sam's. After laughing to himself, he felt oddly comforted because he was surrounded by his scent.

"I'm sorry," He slurred in a hushed tone when the room started spinning. "Sam, wake up."

Scott hurried back down the corridor. He was trying to be quiet, it was very late, however, he had to find William because he knew how temperamental werewolves were about their territory.

Sam's eyebrows furrowed and an unfamiliar scent was slowly filling his room. Even though he was deep in sleep, it was enough to gently tug his mind to the surface.

"Samuel," William slurred and rolled the L. He was far too drunk to cope with this situation. It may be unclear as to why he was in Sam's room, but deep down, this was not the alcohol taking control. "Can you wake up now-"

"William!" Scott hissed, instantly grabbing his son's attention who was slouched on the bed next to the werewolf. "You're in the wrong room." Scott didn't want to enter but if Sam wakes up, he might have too.

"I want to- I want to talk to Sam, though." William lifted his hand and heavily rested it on his warm shoulder. "He want's to talk-"

"William, you're not allowed in here." Scott's heart was pumping hard. He knew Sam had an overbearing crush on his son, it wasn't hard to figure out. The way his eyes grew dazed and sparkly every time he looked his way was incredibly obvious. And if Sam woke up now, he might get violent with William even if he couldn't control it.

He may be gentle, kind and very loving, but he is a werewolf and some traits cannot be restrained.

Sam lightly groaned and rolled onto his back. He couldn't tell if the voices he was hearing were from a dream or from reality.

"Son, come on, you need to be in your own room."

"No," William whined. He was very good at acting childish when drunk. "I'm sleeping here."

"You can't sleep here, please Will, you need-" Scott froze when Sam lifted a hand to rub his eyes.

"Sam, talk to me." William couldn't help but slur his words as he leaned over him, unaware of the dangers he could be in. Scott watched with intense eyes. He wasn't sure of the outcome but he would protect his child at all costs.

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