Chapter 45

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Hunter instantly turned his mind link off from Jacob, not wanting him to freak out. But he was staring into the face of his brother who was trying to kill Sam.

This didn't feel right. It didn't feel like something he would be doing for fun.

"What do we do?"

Anthony knew his son was incredibly angry and if this was a stranger, he would hurt him until he begged for his life. But this was his mate's sibling and he couldn't injure him any more than what he already has.

"We need to question what the hell he's doing in private." Anthony could not understand why he would do this.

"Do you think he knows we're werewolves or just thinks we're average wolves?" Hunter questioned.

"Look at the size of us, he'll know we are not average."

Ricky and Jonah managed to pull the metal out of Sam's leg and help him to his feet. He whimpered but he'd be able to limp back to Hunter's house so Margo could aid his injury.

"Margo, take Sam home and tend to his wound. We'll wait till your gone." Anthony thought.

Margo and Sam slowly went one way while Harrison and Zac started dragging the guy the opposite way with their sharp teeth. The guy began screaming and grabbing at the ground. He yelled at William for help who was paralysed with fear. Hunter was glaring at him and still had his claws dug into his chest.

He and his dad waited patiently until they could no longer hear the other human screaming before shuffling away from William.

"Shall we change?" Hunter asked.

"Yes. Let's stay silent and take him back to the house. I want Scott and Jacob to know what he has done."

Hunter watched his dad, knowing that wouldn't go down well.


"I want his family to question him first. I don't think he knows what Jacob is or that his dad knows about the wolves. I want him to try and explain himself to the ones who he doesn't want to let down. Also... I'm going to get Alisha after all of this and expose her too if he doesn't know she's a werewolf. I bet she has something to do with this."

Hunter sighed but nodded. That seemed like the best approach.

At the same time, they both changed.

William didn't react at first, he only blinked with utter confusion. His eyes seemed to be glued to Hunter because he was a familiar face. However, he didn't think he'd see him do that.

"Oh my God," He whispered and his hands began to tremble. "She was right."

"Who?" Anthony forgot about what he just said.

"A-Alisha. She told me about were-werewolves." William sat up started to develop tears in his eyes. "H-Hunter, you're... I didn't believe, I thought she was crazy and I told her that. But she got really abusive and angry. I was forced to do this. D-Did I hurt your friend!?" William sat forward and grabbed Hunter's shoulders. "I'm so sorry. Please, I had no other choice. Alisha threatened to hurt Jacob, you have to understand!"

"Alright, alright, calm down," He said quickly and looked at his dad. He didn't think William would do such a thing without being blackmailed or forced.

"What did she say she'd do to Jacob?" Anthony questioned.

William rubbed his eyes and tried not to get emotional. But nobody knew he had been through hell for the past two days.

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