Chapter 26

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"A girlfriend?" Scott repeated his son.

Jacob didn't expect that. But how funny. He is yet to announce his fling with Hunter that is growing more serious with every passing day. Although, announcing he has a 'boyfriend' will have a different response to what William will receive.

"Are you joking?" Grace asked with her arms still linked around Jacob. William had a big grin on his face.

"Nope, we've been dating for a few weeks now."

Scott then grinned too and crossed his arms.

"What's her name?"


Jacob frowned, that name sounded familiar...

"You have got to be kidding me," Hunter sighed in his head. "Please let that be a coincidence."

Jacob then remembered that the werewolf he encountered this morning was called Alisha.

"But... she isn't William's type."

"I didn't think he would choose a mega bitc-"

"It might not be her," Jacob hoped with everything he had that she wasn't trying to get close to the family.

"Let's keep our fingers crossed."

"And you're official?" Scott asked.

"Yep. We met at the college like a month ago or something."

"Is Alisha a student?" Jacob asked Hunter. Alisha did appear to look like she was in her twenties. However, anyone of any age can go to college.

"No. Although, it's not hard for anyone to just wander into college. She could be pretending."

Hunter had left his bedroom to discuss this situation with his parents. Even if it is a coincidence, they need to be cautious.

"Why have you kept it quiet?" Grace questioned. "Are you going to bring her round soon?"

"I wanted to wait until it had settled first. And yeah, she wants to meet you guys so I'm bringing her round tomorrow." Just then, William's phone started ringing.

He pulled it out of his pocket as Grace let go of Jacob and stared at her husband. They are really good at having silent conversations. They've been together so long now that they can predict what each other are thinking.

"Oh, hey Hunter," William said happily. Jacob's head lifted, knowing Hunter was aware of what was going on.

"Hey, how're you doing?" He asked on the other end of the call.

"Yeah good thanks, what's up?"

"I was just wondering if I could pop round tomorrow to get some work done. If not, then hang out?"

William thought about turning him down because he's bringing Alisha round. But then again, Jacob will be very awkward tomorrow with meeting someone new so maybe Hunter could talk to him for a bit. He seemed to be warming up to him.

"Yeah sure. Come over whenever you're ready."

"Alright thanks, see you tomorrow," Hunter was very satisfied. He couldn't wait to see Jacob again and also meet William's mystery girlfriend.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." William hung up and threw his phone onto the couch. "Hunter's coming over tomorrow too."

"Great," Scott said and looked at Jacob. "Maybe we could do a barbeque or something in the garden then? It's supposed to be warm tomorrow."

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