Chapter 62

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It was half seven in the morning when Scott noticed the letter on the floor. He picked it up with a frown when it said 'To Scott and his family'. He wondered who it would be from as he placed it on the kitchen counter. He didn't have time to open it now, he had to wake the boys up.

Jacob and Hunter stayed here because they wanted to spend more time with Jacob's family.

Scott climbed up the stairs and felt the toll of the sleepless night's giving him less energy. He wished he could just forget about his wife for now but they've been together for such a long time. He never thought this would happen to their relationship. He wasn't prepared to cope.

"Boys," He spoke loud enough to partially pull them out of their dreams. Jacob was sprawled over the top of Hunter because there was very little room on the single bed. William was half hanging off his bed, not looking very comfortable. "Boys!"

Hunter jumped out of his dream with a gasp. When he couldn't get up, he looked down to see Jacob pinning him to the bed. He sighed and rubbed his eyes, trying not to think about his bad dream.

"Are you alright Hunter?" Scott asked with a friendly but worn out smile.

"Yeah," He breathed and shook Jacob's shoulder. "Wake up, we have college today."

He groaned a response and tried to roll over but there was no room. William sat up and squinted his eyes.

"I hate college," He whined before rising to his feet. Scott chuckled and opened the bathroom door that sat next to the bedroom.

"Get a shower, then make sure you're all downstairs in twenty minutes."

Jacob buried his head into Hunter's shoulder, thinking it was his pillow.

"Come on Jacob," He ran a hand through his soft hair. "It's time to get up."

Jacob eventually lifted his head and was pulled into the present. He looked around and really wished he could just lay in bed with Hunter all morning.

* * * * *

"Right, I'll see you when you've finished." Hunter stopped himself from turning around in the college corridor. He had a questioning look but understood that the bell would ring soon. "Are you sure you don't want me to stay with you?"

Jacob shook his head as they stood outside the classroom.

"I don't need babysitting."

Hunter grinned and wrapped his arms around him. Even though the hallway was full of other students waiting for the lesson to begin, he didn't care one bit.

"Fine," He leant forwards and kissed his cheeks. It created a few stares and whispers but a lot of people were really not bothered. "I'll see you later then." But just before he pulled away, Jacob gripped him tighter and kissed him on the lips.

Pleasure ran down Hunter's spine at his surprise burst of confidence.

"Bye." Jacob let go and gave him a cute smile. Hunter was somewhat star struck yet he kept himself together.

"Yeah, uh.... bye." He stared with glossy eyes when the door to the classroom opened and people began piling in. But Jacob didn't move, he could only stare back. Hunter then grinned, creating a little hint of a dimple in his cheek as he stepped forwards and pulled him into him. "I just need to-" He pushed their faces together and kissed him.

Jacob kissed back, feeling so much joy flowing through him. He has never felt this way at college before. He was always stood with his head down, trying to keep himself together enough to get through the day. Now, he looks forward to every day because Hunter is part of it.

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