Chapter 63

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Everyone watched as Jacob focused on his power and his wolf form at the same time. Hunter, Sam, and William had seen his magnificent beast-like form but the other's had not.

"Wait, stop." Hunter instantly tensed and stared behind Jacob. "There are humans in the woods."

Sam sighed and uncrossed his arms.

"I'll tell my dad so they can stalk them out." Even though it is very common to see human's in the woods, many, many werewolves use this area to be free and run for miles. When people are spotted, Wolves keep watch and inform other's of their location until they leave.

"Ricky, stay and keep watch until Sam's father meets you."

"Oh but, I wanted-"

"Don't question me, Omega," He snapped. Ricky stopped and immediately bowed his head.

"Sorry Alpha."

Hunter looked around his pack and avoided Jacob's gaze, knowing he'd have a disappointed frown. Yes, he is harsh but he's a lot nicer than some Alphas. Especially to his Omega's. Not many packs include them every day but it was how his parents used them, so he does the same.

"Where's Zac?"

"We tried to contact him this morning," Jonah spoke as Ricky walked through the trees. "But we didn't get a reply."

"Can you try again?"

Jonah nodded and switched on his mind link.

"Come on, I can hear your belly growling from here," Hunter chuckled and took Jacob's hand.

Jacob brushed off his dominant nature. It was something he just has to live with. He can't change him and he would never want to. 

* * * * *

As they approached the top of the field that was home to Hunter's house, Jacob was getting excited to try out his telekinesis power. He had accepted the fact that it was weird and strange for him to be able to do things that others could not. But that is what make's him unique and he is slowly starting to embrace it.

"Maybe you can make a sandwich with your mind," Hunter grinned. Jacob stared at him like it was the best thing he has heard all day. "Or... maybe use it for useful things and not just to develop laziness."

Jacob's eyes seemed to glaze over with thoughts of all the magical things he could do with his powers, like making food without even moving from the couch. However, he would never be that inactive but it didn't mean he couldn't enjoy the idea.

"Hi boys," Anthony beamed as he and Margo sat next to each other on the porch steps. They were enjoying the sunshine and enjoying one another's company. "Do you have anything fun planned for the rest of the day?"

"Just training," Hunter smiled. "We're gonna help Jacob get used to his powers."

"Can we help? I'd love to see that too," Margo's smile was very bright, friendly and calming.

Jacob nodded, feeling a lot more relaxed in their presence which was a big thing for him. It used to take him ages to get used to strangers.

"Great! Would you boys like some food?"

"It's okay mum, we'll make it." Hunter's pack stayed behind, knowing they would not get food even if they bribed Margo.

When they entered the house, Jacob had a question.

"Are you gonna look for a new Delta wolf?" He asked and patiently stood next to the sink, not wanting to invade the fridge like what Hunter was currently doing.

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