Chapter 56

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Jacob opened his eyes to see Hunter hovering over him. He had been watched him for almost ten minutes with plenty of questions floating around in his mind. But the day needed to start off relaxed in order for Jacob to stay calm.

"Good morning," He smiled.

Jacob stretched and yawned.

"Morning." Instant thoughts of his mum flashed through his head and it hit his heart hard. "What time is it?"

"Half nine."

Jacob released a breath, trying to think about something else. His head felt a little cloudy and his emotions were exhausted. He didn't know what or how to feel.

Hunter watched him sit up and yawn again.

"How did you sleep?"

"Fine, I guess," Jacob mumbled quietly. "Um, did you sleep okay?"

"I did. But I was woken up by Sam talking nonsense to William."

"William's here?"

Hunter nodded and grabbed his mates wrist when he attempted to get out of bed. He pulled him into him and wrapped his arms around his bare chest.

"Where's my morning hug?"

Jacob's heart was thumping in his chest at feeling Hunter's warm skin against him. It was easier for him to accept his affection rather than running away from his nerves. So he turned and wrapped his arms around his shoulders. Hunter fell back against the duvet with a big grin.

"Also... where's my morning kiss?"

Jacob closed his eyes and allowed the blush to swarm his face because Hunter couldn't see it.

"Is it compulsory?"

Hunter chuckled and subconsciously ran his fingers gently along his back.

"Yes. Every morning from now on, it is compulsory." He felt him smile against his shoulder and really wished he could see it.

"But what if we're not together?"

"Then I will give you a hug and a kiss when I first see you. Deal?"


Hunter pulled his head back and planted a quick kiss onto his lips. Jacob felt fuzzy but one day, that simple act of affection would feel completely normal because they would have done it thousands of times.

* * * * *

"So, today is the last day of this Lunar cycle?" Sam asked.

Scott nodded.

He and William had gone home to shower, change and collect the letter. He was incredibly pleased to see that Grace was not there and he couldn't help but feel concerned.

He hoped she had gone home to her parents so she was at least in a safe environment when her head wasn't in the right place.

"Yes but I've read it through twice now and I don't understand the last paragraph." Scott turned the pages until he reached the last one. "It's about today but I'm not quite sure what it means."

Anthony took the letter and skimmed through it.

"What does it say?" Margo asked.

Anthony cleared his throat and made sure he spoke loud enough for everyone to hear.

"On the last minute of the last hour of the last day, the souls of the immortal beings will unite. A sense of understanding will be fulfilled and the first commission will be shared with the guardians. It is then the Gods duty to carry out their purpose and manage the havoc and regulate the chaos. The power is theirs to rule, command and lead the werewolves to victory."

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