Chapter 28

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"Hunter?" Jacob questioned. They were sitting on the wooden steps of Hunter's home and watching the sunset. "What if my parents don't accept me. What happens after that?"

"Well," He said and leant back onto his elbows. "You'll always have a place to stay here. But don't worry, just stay positive about it. Have they ever spoken about same-sex couples or anything?"

Jacob shook his head and crossed his legs. Now, his mum has tried to get in touch but he has still heard nothing from his brother.

"There was never a reason for them to bring it up," He mumbled and pulled his sleeves over his hands.

Hunter studied him for a moment. Even though he knows him very well, there are still some things that are a mystery to him.

"Why do you never smile, Jacob?"

Jacob looked up, not really expecting that.

"Um, I don't have anything to smile about."

"But it must be hard, keeping your emotions back like that," He showed his own dazzling smile. "Can you make me a promise to smile at least once a day?"

Jacob chewed his bottom lip which Hunter adored.

"What if I have nothing to smile about?" He whispered.

"Am I not a reason to make you smile?"


"Ouch," Hunter chuckled. Jacob's eyes flashed with amusement but only for a moment. "But seriously though, talk to me when you're feeling down, shout at me if I've annoyed you, cry on me if you're sad. And on those rare occasions, laugh in my face when you're happy or if I've tripped over my own feet or something."

Jacob looked at him with a relaxed expression. He did appreciate that.

"You can be yourself around me," Hunter continued. "Even if you're actually a really annoying little brat, I'll still like you." Jacob shook his head and cracked a little smile. "Ah, there it is," Hunter chuckled and lifted his hand to grip his cheek.

Jacob covered his face and pushed him away.

"I'm not."

"I know you're not," He chuckled. "But you are stubborn."

Jacob knew he was but that's just part of who he is. If he didn't like something or if he didn't want to do something, he will find a way of expressing it.

"Boys?" They then heard Margo's voice and her footsteps approach the door. "Are you ready to go?"

Hunter's parents are taking them to Jacob's house. They wanted to sort this out for Jacob and if things don't go well then Hunter can have his parents to back him up. They all really hoped that things for Jacob will go smoothly.

"I think so," Hunter said and stood up when Jacob did.

"Right," Anthony left the house with his keys in his hand. "Let's get going."

* * * * *

When they pulled up on the drive outside of Jacob's house, Hunter could feel his nervous. His hands were shaking a little bit and he looked quite pale.

"Jacob?" He questioned and waited until he was looking at him. Margo had turned to see if he was okay. "No matter what happens, you have us three to support you and another place to live. Okay?"

Jacob nodded. His gentle grey eyes calmed him a little. He then turned and climbed out of the car. He wished that he didn't run away but it's what he's best at. Even Hunter admits that he runs from his own problems. It was the easiest option but the most cowardly.

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