Chapter 64

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Hunter leaned forwards and rested his head against Jacob's should as he continued to cover his ears. As soon as he touched his mate, the pain and the voice suddenly stopped echoing in his throbbing mind.

He took a breath and filled himself with Jacob's scent.

"Is that normal?" William questions.

"Apparently." Margo was squeezing her husbands arm, not liking seeing her son in pain.

"What did you hear?" Jacob's voice was replaced by the unfamiliar one invading Hunter's thoughts. He rested his hands on his tense shoulders and lifted his head.

"It said um... these are the exact words," Hunter looked deep into his eyes. "Confront the evil and protect the brave. Keep the secret of your kind by using the power within. May that be psychological or physical. Do what ever it takes to banish those who threaten the wolves."

Jacob listened and understood perfectly.

"It wants us to get rid of the werewolf hunters."

"Does that include your grandparents?"

Jacob nodded slowly.

They both stood up with a thirst to suddenly complete their quest. However, this would not be easy and Jacob wasn't sure how he would be able to do it.

"Well, what did it say?" Anthony asked.

Jacob could feel the mission within him and it wouldn't settle until it was fulfilled.

"We need to get rid of the werewolf hunters."

"That's what it said?" He raised his eyebrows, thinking it would be a bigger task. But it is Jacob's first one so he must be starting out small. "All of them?"

"Just the inconvenient ones."

"They're all inconvenient," Sam sighed. "But if your grandparents have something to do with the ones outside, do you have to get rid of them?"

Jacob nodded however, he wasn't feeling particularly sorry for them at this current moment. How could anyone possibly hate something so much that they want to kill it?

"I need to find them and talk to them face to face." Jacob's mission seemed to be unravelling in his head.

"Or..." Hunter interrupted his trail of thought. "We could capture the ones outside, interrogate them and kill them?"

Margo didn't enjoy hearing the word kill come out of her son's mouth but she can't protect him from the harsh reality of this world no longer. Humans are dangerous with their anger and they needed to be silenced one way or another.

"That's not a bad idea," Anthony was frowning with thought. "Jacob, are you confident enough to teleport and grab one of them?"

"No," Flora added. "I'm not sure they know he's a God or anything at all. They will if he teleports right in front of them."

Everyone was left with a deep frown, matching Anthony's. The hardest part of a plan was making the first step.

"I think..." Jacob trailed off when everyone in the room looked at him. So many eyes fuelled his nervous fidgeting. "Uh..." He lost his words almost instantly but Hunter could hear what he wanted to say.

"We should wait for the ones who are watching us to leave and look for the grandparents in the meantime. If they're the leaders of the organisation, it's better to get to them first." Hunter coiled his fingers around Jacob's hand, sharing his confidence with him. One day he'll learn that his voice should be respected, not ignored like what he was taught by his horrendous mother.

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