Chapter 81

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*There is a chapter under here but please read*

A lot of people have been talking about a crossover between my other books starting from 'You Have Wings?' and yes, it is a crossover. BUT If you haven't read that series, don't worry because I'll make sure you can still understand everything that's going on without having to read them, you just won't know the backstories of the other supernatural beings in as much detail.

If you do want to read them, the completed series is on Quotev, I'm still in the process of transporting them onto here! (Look for 'Sian' and you'll find them on my profile)

- Sian

"Are those... real?" Hunter breathed. For some reason, he wasn't phased that this person was standing in his room. His mind was preoccupied and glued to the feathery things behind his back.

The strangers hazel eyes examined the boys with caution. His hands were behind his back like he was holding something.

"You're..." Jacob furrowed his eyebrows. "You're a..." He couldn't finish, he was so charmed by his hypnotic presence.

"An angel, yes." The stranger then looked behind him after deciding that the werewolf would not get protective over his territory. They could hear him whispering but they were too surprised to question it. When the angel turned, Jacob got a glimpse of someone standing behind him, someone rather short. "Hunter Rayson, is it safe for a human to be in this room?"

"Uh..." Hunter frowned. "What human?" He ran a hand through his black hair, still staring at his wings.

"My soulmate."

"Oh uh, yeah."

The angel then stepped to the side, revealing another man who also appeared to be in his late thirties. His soulful blue eyes lit up when he smiled.

"Who are you both?" Flora questioned. Her and Alfred found it hard to contain their excitement.

The angel put a comforting arm around the shorter man and beamed proudly.

"My name is Panuleon, this is my soulmate, Corey."

"How are you- wait why are you here? What world did you come from? Are you from heaven?" Hunter was starting to feel like Sam. He was thankful his Beta wolf wasn't here. He would have talked the poor angel's ears off by now.

Panuleon sat on the floor, leaving a few meters between himself and the werewolf, still feeling a little wary about his territory. Corey sat down and leaned against his angel, trying to stay calm. However, being in the presence of werewolves was daunting.

"I have come from the world which includes Vampires and Humans. Corey and I have lived there for a very long time. We had to escape our old world because Demons made it very impossible to live a happy life. However, myself and my mate were connected with another couple in the vampire world. I won't explain that just yet, I'll tell you how and why we are here. Do you understand me so far?" Panuleon stared deep into their eyes. Jacota was exceptionally powerful in his presence and he was finding it hard to keep back his enthusiasm from finally meeting a God.

"Yes... I think." Hunter breathed.

"So, recently an elder angel has been appearing to Corey in a dream. She explained about the other worlds which I didn't know about until only a few weeks ago. I am a low ranked angel and only elder angels know about the four worlds. I only thought two existed." He paused, making sure that they understood him. "The elder angel told Corey about the werewolf Gods and how a few angels are being assigned to be their guardian angels. I am yours, Jacota."

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