Chapter 16

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Hunter watched Jacob enter his class, leaving him standing in the hallway. He walked him to class because he would do anything to stay with him, even if it was just a few extra minutes.

"You know," Sam said, making Hunter turn quickly. He was so focused on his mate that he didn't smell his presence. "You missed the pack meeting last night."

Hunter could tell nobody was too bothered. He connected with his mate and that was more important.

"We'll re-schedule."

"We don't mind missing out on a few for you to be with your mate," Sam smiled and followed his alpha down the corridor. "How's it going by the way?"

"It could be better," Hunter sighed and crossed his arms. "Jacob's finding this difficult."

"But that's what you expected, isn't it?"

"Yes. I just didn't think it would hurt so much when he thinks about how I've ruined him."

Sam stopped, making his Alpha stop too. "He'll forgive you."

"I know, but I forced this onto him and I feel like I've made things worse."

"You haven't Alpha," Sam smiled with respect. "Things can only get better for him from now on. He'll never feel lonely again, he'll always know he's loved and it'll add excitement into his life. This will bring out the person he lost when you were stuck in his head for half a year. It might take time but it'll be worth it for what you both get out of it." Sam never knew if he stepped over the line or not. Giving his Alpha advice was risky. Hunter often accepted it from Sam because he was right most of the time, and they were as close as brothers. It was normal to value the other's opinion.

"He pushed me away and I can't handle it. But I suppose you're right, it'll be worth it in the end."

Sam nodded and their conversation was quickly interrupted by the bell, indicating that they were late for their class.

* * * * *

Jacob was relieved to finish his college day. Even though his day was not long and he was only in for four hours, the amount of coursework they get in return was not forgiving. He left the class looking thankful that it ended.

Even though things with Hunter were sketchy, Jacob still wanted to see him because his chest felt tight. It hadn't processed that he'd need to grow closer to him in order to understand their connection and how it would make him feel.

"I'm waiting outside the main entrance for-"

Jacob didn't have time to listen because he tripped over something and landed hard on the floor. He quickly turned to see someone leaning against the wall with a smirk.

It was Brad. Jacob didn't know his name and he didn't know he was part of Hunter's pack.

"The freak can't even watch where he's going," Brad sighed with cold eyes. "How did Hunter end up with a disaster like you?"

Jacob frowned and his heart sped up. What did he just say?

Suddenly, a hand flashed from the side and slapped Brad across the head. he stumbled a bit and tried to retaliate.

"Hunter's not going to be happy with you."

Brad glared when he realised it was Sam, the Alpha's second in command. 

Jacob had no idea who both of them were or how they knew about him and Hunter.

"I don't care, his mate is-"

"Is what?" Sam growled. "A Human? A male? Get a grip and just accept it."

They both then looked down to Jacob who was still sitting on the floor.

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