Chapter 88

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Jacob started to drink the water and his focus was already slowing down. He never thought alcohol would taste so revolting and he had no idea how he could tell if he was getting drunk or not.

"Are you okay? You need to drink it all." Hunter placed his fingers on the bottom of the glass and lifted it. Jacob followed the pace and drank quickly, but his sense of balance was also starting to deteriorate. "Dad, can I get drunk too?"

"No. You can babysit Jacob. Or me, I could use a drink."

"He might be fine if he drinks enough-" Before Hunter could finish, the doorbell echoed through the house.

"Oh gosh," Margo didn't know why she was so worried about being judged. She didn't care if these people liked her or not, it was Jacob's reputation that was on the line. "Get him more water." Everyone watched her rush down the corridor. Even though the water most likely won't filter out the vodka, they had to try something.

Even Sam was a little nervous for him.

"Jacob, can you feel yourself getting drunk?" Hunter asked and placed another pint of water in his hand.

"I don't know how it feels." He blinked slowly and frowned at the lack of focus.

Hunter grinned. He has wondered what Jacob would be like drunk. Four shots will not get him immensely off his face with alcohol but it might make him sick in an hour or two.

"Hello, come in." Margo's voice echoed into the room but they didn't hear a response. When the door shut, footsteps could only be detectable as everyone climbed to their feet, ready to greet them.

Jacob stood up and the room performed a huge spin, making him stumble into Hunter who placed a firm arm around his waist, holding their sides securely together.

"This is going to be rather entertaining," He thought and gripped him tighter.

"This is- um, I feel really weird."

Hunter simply smiled when his relatives entered the room. However, his grandmother's sister looked just like her and he altered his proud stance. It caught him off guard and a wave of weakness invaded his stability.

"Where is the God?" The man demanded. He shared the same coloured hair as Anthony and those grey eyes that popped against his olive skin.

Anthony frowned when his aunt and uncle completely ignored him.

"Excuse me, you cannot be serious," He sighed and crossed his arms. Margo rubbed his back which she knew would calm him. "You can't just walk into-"

"Anthony, do not be rude in the presence of the God," The man silenced him with eyes full of disapproval. "Where is that wife of yours? I need a cup of tea."

Anthony clenched his hands as Scott stood up, seeing that things were not starting out good.

"I'll make-"

"No," Anthony's uncle interrupted. "That's a Woman's Job."

Everyone in the room fell silent. An awkward atmosphere crept in through the door. The tension was building as the visitors tried to be superior with their old-fashioned views.

"They are definitely homophobic if they are living in the dark ages," Hunter grumbled but he could feel Jacob depending more on his support to stay standing up straight.

"Don't you dare," Anthony spoke calmly. "My wife has the freedom to do whatever she pleases. She is a person, not an object. Do not even think about telling her what to do."

"Well, I see we are off to a good start." Anthony's uncle turned to his sister with a faint smirk. "Liz, make me some tea."

The woman showed a hint of jealousy towards Margo but did as he demanded and turned to find the kitchen.

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