Chapter 80

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Jacob's fingers traced the delicate and frail pages of the Enchiridion. It felt like stiff parchment paper which had degraded over the years. The writing looked like ink, yet, it almost appeared to be burnt into the page so it could never be rewritten.

Hunter watched his nut-brown eyes examine every little detail, right down to the discoloured leather and the yellow tinted pages.

"What are you looking for?" His deep voice caused Jacob to jump out of his mesmerised trance.

"Uh..." Looking up, he felt a little shy about talking around a subject that seemed so crazy. "W-When Alisha appeared to me, it was someone else, someone not from this world... I don't think. But I know the answers are in here."

"I don't think you're mad you know," Hunter smiled that dazzling smile. Leaning closer, Jacob felt his hot breath trace his cheek. "I want to know who it is too."

Diverting his attention back to the book, Jacob started turning pages with only his index finger and his thumb, not wanting to ruin anything. He felt a little nervous about finding out what it was. Whatever the answer, it will open up so many new doors for him to explore.

"Wait, go back," Hunter rested his fingers over Jacob's and turned the page for him. "Look, this chapter is about the God of lightning."

"Me," Jacota whispered, eyes glistening with wonder.

Hunter's eyes traced the italic writing until a surprised frown embedded into his forehead. He leant forwards, making sure he read the words correctly.

"Why does it say here that you're the ruler of the Gods?" He questioned and traced the word ruler with his finger. Jacob read the same sentence and lightly gasped. "A pure leader, one who possesses great sympathy, understanding and leadership is the true Lord. Jacota, the keeper of lightning and the God of wolves fought and claimed the victory, earning his rightful spot as the godly sovereign." Hunter repeated the words he read. However, Jacob didn't want to be distracted from his task ahead.

"That was years ago, it has probably changed-"

"Nope," Hunter added as he read further. "It says that when the time is right, Jacota will lead the Gods and will never lose his status." Looking up, his eyes were almost as big as his mates. "Do you know how important this is? You're the leader of the Gods, not just the werewolves."

Jacob shook his head and looked down to his lap.

"That's insane."

"Not really. You know the human myths about their Gods? What was his name... Zeus or something? Well, they got their idea of the Gods from the werewolves and rumour spreads and facts change. But that God is the keeper of lightning and also the ruler."

"I'm Zeus?"

Hunter shook his head.

"You're Jacota, Zeus is just another name for you... a human name."

Their eyes turned back to the book, suddenly craving the information and wanting to read every little fact. Jacob had the information in his head but was having trouble locating it.

Hunter shuffled closer, adjusting himself on the cold wooden floor of his bedroom.

"Let's not get overwhelmed," He pressed his chest against the back of his mate's shoulder, leaning into him as they turned the pages. "We just need to find something about, I don't know, spirits?"

They searched for a few minutes, making sure their eyes didn't miss anything until a page sparked Jacob's attention.

"The Cosmo Order." Jacob read the title and looked down to a diagram. There were four circles, creating a square shape, which was labelled as worlds. In the middle were two small circles, labelled heaven and hell. Underneath each world had titles which read: Vampires, Angels and Demons, Werewolves, and Humans.

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