Chapter 5

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That evening, Jacob was sitting on the couch and staring into space. College, as predicted, went by extremely slow and he couldn't wait for the weekend but it was only Tuesday.

He was a little nervous that Hunter was coming over. He had to interact with him because they were in a group together. He really wasn't a social person and would much prefer to shut himself in the bedroom all evening.

"Alright, I've got some paper and pens. Tonight we can just make a spider diagram or something to get together our idea's," William said and entered the room. "Hunter should be here any minute."

He was speaking to his brother who was completely zoned out and didn't hear a word he said.

His mum and dad looked at him with a smile.

"Is he staying for dinner?" Grace asked.

"Dunno," William shrugged and walked over to Jacob. "Hey."

Jacob snapped out of his trance. "What were you saying?"

"For the project, tonight we could-" Before he could finish, there was a loud knock at the door. "Oh, that'll be him."

Scott and Grace watched him turned and hurry out of the room. Now that Jacob wasn't still in his own little world, they grabbed his attention.

"Are you okay son?" his mum asked.

Jacob nodded and listened to his brother say hello to his friend.

"It actually took me a while to find the house," Hunter smiled and took off his coat. William took it and hung it over the door.

"It would be if you're not used to the city. I was told that you live on the outskirts of town?"

"Yeah," Hunter smiled. "We're surrounded by fields and a big forest. I don't come into the city very often."

"I could probably show you around sometime," William suggested as they walked towards the living room.

"Sure, that would be great," Hunter said before entering the room. His eyes instantly found Jacob. He was sitting on the couch and fiddling with the sleeves of his jumper.

"Hello," Scott greeted him with a friendly smile. "I'm Scott, William and Jacob's father. This is their mother, Grace."

Jacob watched his mum get up too so she could meet him.

"Hi," Hunter smiled but his gaze kept wandering back to Jacob who very slowly climbed off the couch. He couldn't be bothered with college work but the sooner they did it, the quicker it would be over and done with.

"I can't be bothered either."

"Don't talk to me," Jacob mumbled.

"We'll do the work in the bedroom," William said and led his friend to the stairs. Jacob eventually followed, leaving some space between him and Hunter.

When they were upstairs, Hunter followed William into the bedroom. It gave him an opportunity to have a good look around.

The floor was dark wood and the walls were painted a light blue. The curtains were black because William insisted that they kept out the morning sun so he could sleep in. There was two white chest of drawers, one on the left and one on the right. Hunter could tell who slept at what side of the room, judging by the tidiness.

William is very organised while Jacob seems to be the type of person who would lose his head if it wasn't screwed on.

Hunter stood to the side and allowed Jacob to hurry past so he could get to his bed. He watched him pretty much collapse onto it and sigh with relief. He had the urge to sit with him but thought it would be best to sit on William's bed instead. 

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