Chapter 78

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When the boys landed in the bedroom, they were too close to the bed and toppled onto the duvet. Hunter flinched from the pain and released a small whimper.

"Sorry, I didn't-"

Jacob's apology was silenced when Hunter pushed through the pain and connected their lips.

"Don't hurt- yourself-" Jacob mumbled against him but Hunter climbed on top of his mate, pinning him to the bed.

Jacob kissed back and started to relax into it when Hunter's hands embedded into his hair. There was something about the gentle tug that never failed to send a shiver of affection through him. Feeling Hunter's warm body on top of his managed to ignite a spark of feelings in his heart.

At first, admitting to himself that he wanted to kiss someone was hard. He was too innocent and couldn't handle thinking about taking a relationship further, it felt like he was corrupting his mind. Although, in time, he came to realise that all couples think about this. It's natural and requires trust, which Hunter has gladly given to him.

So when Hunter's perfect lips kissed him with a deeper passion, he followed without a care in the world. His hands even made their way onto his back, slowly gripping his t-shirt. Hunter's head was pounding but he needed this from his mate. Affection was the best thing he could indulge himself into when he demanded time to let go of his troubles.

Struggling to hold his injured body up, he gently put all his weight on top of his mate. Jacob didn't mind, his body was big enough to handle it. He knew Hunter was hurting so the only thing he could do was to aid his cravings for passion.

The heat within their souls grew to accommodate the stretched intimacy. The bond was overpowering, forcing them to feel closely combined by the Lunar Love.

Hunter pulled his left arm out of his sling and ran his hand down Jacob's side, reaching his hip. It hurt tremendously but nothing was going to stop him from pleasuring his mate.

When his warm fingers snaked their way under Jacob's t-shirt, he didn't stop or pull away. He was sinking into the moment and everything around him had faded away. All he could think about was the remarkable wave of desire pumping through his veins.

Hunter gently traced the outline of his washboard abs. They felt so firm and so flawless. Every ounce of him was utter perfection. He had to mark him, he had to claim his body and protect his territory.

Their lips moved furiously together. Kissing deep and expressing lustful meaning with each kiss.

When the werewolf moved his body against Jacob's, he was forced to take in a sharp breath of air, the pain was a little too much.

"Are-Are you okay?" Jacob breathed against his mouth. His eyes were closed, his nails had sunken gently into Hunter's skin and he was swarmed with such a comfortable atmosphere, not a single worry invaded his head.

"I'm hurting," Hunter pulled his head back. A frown of discomfort had overpowered his affection. He wanted to continue but he couldn't.

Jacob opened his eyes to see that his mate's pupils had replaced his grey colour. He knew he wanted to continue so for once in his life, he had to be brave when it came to this area of his relationship. He had to show Hunter that he wanted to take it seriously.

With a tender heart, he slowly turned Hunter over so his back was pressed against the duvet. He hovered over him and didn't touch a single fragment of his body. Moving his head in close, their lips were connected once more.

Hunter wanted to hug him so tightly to say that he was proud, but he had to relax his muscles. So he lay there and allowed Jacob to take control. His kissing was faultless because clearly, he has had a good teacher.

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