Chapter 33

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This is NOT an mpreg story. You'll see why I had to make this note if you read on! :)
- Sian

"I don't like the fact that Jacob has to walk almost two hours through the woods to get to our home. He's in a lot of danger at the moment," Margo sighed. She watched Hunter's white wolf play fetch with his mate. Jacob had a huge stick and was throwing it far across the field.

Anthony crossed his arms.

"Me too. And I doubt Jacob's parents would let him stay over, they seem like they'd be strict about that kind of thing."

"Don't they get it," Margo said and shook her head. "Love fuels the soul. Human's are so funny about that sort of thing. What's wrong with two young people wanting to make love?"

"You have to remember that werewolf societies are very different. Although, we don't have to worry about Hunter getting his mate pregnant."

Margo looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"What? Jacob is a man."

"I'm aware of that. You've heard of the legend though haven't you?" She questioned and wrapped an arm around her husband's waist. "Our gods once had same-sex couple's and he was able to get pregnant. So was Falilo, she is the god of wisdom who was mated with another female."

"Margo, I don't believe in the gods, you know that."

"You should," She sighed. "That's why we have homophobic wolves. They don't believe the gods are real because they accepted same-sex pairings."

"I don't believe and I'm not homophobic," Anthony watched Jacob throw a big stick for Hunter. He had a strong arm. "And the Gods died out hundreds of years ago if they even did exist. But it brings hope to people like you."

Margo looked up to his beautiful grey eyes.

"My gift had to come from somewhere. I'm no god but I require a fragment of one's power. I believe their souls are shared among the wolves. Some are more special than others."

Anthony loved listening to his wife's theories and she did have a point. Nobody knew where her gift came from.

"Well, Hunter's gift is to give off the biggest sex-appeal for his poor mate. Did you see Jacob earlier? He didn't know where to look just because Hunter didn't have his t-shirt on."

"Bless him," Margo chuckled. "He may be innocent but Hunter is gentle. Being with Jacob is teaching him to slow down and consider feelings other than his own. He'll never rush with his mate and it's sweet. He's developing the love before the serious stuff."

Jacob watched as Hunter sprinted back towards him with the stick in his mouth. His tail was wagging with excitement.

"Throw it again!" He didn't know why it was so appealing to chase something, especially from his mate.

"Hunter?" Jacob questioned and picked up the stick. "You know how dogs have masters and stuff who they obey... am I your master?" He had a faint smirk on his lips but he was also genuinely interested.

The white wolf stopped panting and tilted his head to the side. He could feel a few drops of rain on his fur.

"You're not my master."

"But if I told you to do something, would you do it?" Jacob questioned.

"Well, yes. But-"

"Because I'm your master?" Jacob was still quiet but a little cheeky.

Hunter's wolf form stared into his deep chocolate eyes before changing back. Hunter stood up when the rain began to fall a little heavier. He was sweaty from running around the field all afternoon.

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