Chapter 57

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Jacob never thought he would be awkwardly standing in a hall full of werewolves as they bowed onto one knee because he was their leader. He never thought he would be in this situation two weeks ago.

To him, werewolves used to be just fiction and made up purely for human entertainment. It made him wonder what else was real. Vampires? Angels? Demons?

He pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind. Of course, they were not real.

Hunter felt the pride shoot through him. He was standing in front of his father's city of wolves, tightly clinging onto his mate who just happened to be a werewolf God. He wanted to kiss him and mark him as his. He was feeling very territorial over him with so many worshipping eyes staring.

"Now," Anthony boomed. "Can I have a raise of hands from the wolves who believe in the Gods."

Scott turned and looked behind him. He watched as everyone in the room raised their hands in awe of his son. He felt content and fulfilled. His dad would be very proud and he knew he was watching from whatever peaceful place his soul was resting in.

The electricity was still wrapping around Jacob's hands because it comforted him and he needed it when he felt very insecure.

"This information is no secret. Tell your friends and your families from other city's, Jacota is the only God in the united kingdom and the word needs to spread. If they want to visit and see for themselves, tell them they are more than welcome." Anthony linked his fingers together and breathed a sigh of relief. He had been nervous to announce this and his chest felt much lighter now.

"Can we go?" Jacob thought.

"Of course we can." Hunter turned and started walking with him off the stage. Anthony wanted to make sure that the werewolves knew Jacota was the true leader instead of him but it was too much responsibility at this stage. They'd have to ease him into the role and he was more than sure that Jacob is an awful public speaker.

"Okay wolves, thank you for turning up today, even though you're supposed to," He mumbled. "But remember, tell everyone you know about Jacota and I'll do the same. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and I'll see you on Wednesday for another meeting where you can bring any questions you may have for my son's mate to answer."

The crowd quickly started yelling their questions but Anthony took Margo's hand and they followed the boys. Anthony ordered his pack to make sure everyone left instead of following them. Jacob didn't need to get too overwhelmed.

* * * * *

"Sam, thank you for fixing the steps. My son is so useless." Anthony put his weight on the steps outside his home and nodded with gratitude that they were stable enough to hold him.

"Um, excuse me, I'm standing right next to you." Hunter crossed his arms with a frown.


Sam tried so hard not to smirk when his Alpha glared at him.

"I'm a guardian of a God. Show me respect."

Anthony scoffed.

"Shut your mouth boy," He playfully smacked him on the side of the head. "Why can't you be like Jacob? Humble and quiet."

"And why can't you be like Scott? A good dad."

Anthony smacked him again.

"Do you want to be grounded?"

They watched each other before Anthony grinned and pulled him into a headlock. Hunter pushed him to the ground and they started to play fight.

Jacob was walking over to his mate but stopped when he was on the floor, getting pinned down by his dad. He quickly turned and marched the opposite way, not wanting to be part of that.

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