Chapter 9

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Jacob put his hood up and walked down the college corridor and towards the stairs. He was going to sneak out without catching his brother's attention, knowing he finished at the same time.

All Jacob wanted to do was sit in the field and enjoy being away from social interactions. He wanted to fully relax because there would be nobody around to judge.

Little did he know, Hunter Rayson discreetly followed him while Sam got the pack together. Brad was forced to tag along. Hunter didn't know what he was going to do now that the bond felt like it was starting to deepen. He knew Jacob felt it a bit but he didn't know what the next step should be.

How does he approach a human, tell him he's a werewolf, then tell him they're mates and he was the reason why Jacob thought he was crazy for half a year?

In Hunter's head, it just wasn't the right way to reveal himself. How else was he supposed to do it?

In the current moment, he wished he had told his parents about finding his mate and if they didn't reject him, they would have guided him through this process and he and Jacob would have been good friends before the bond deepened.

Hunter was nervous and for some stupid reason, he waited right until the last minute to actually talk to his mate.

When Jacob walked out of the entrance and into the car park, he breathed a sigh of relief that he didn't see his brother. As much as he loved him and his support, he hated how William was so overprotective.

Just as he was about to step onto the grass and approach the trees, a big hand rested on his shoulder. Jacob gasped and quickly turned, almost tripping over his own feet. His eyes were wide when they connected with grey ones.

Hunter felt like he had achieved something. He touched his mate for the first time and it felt overwhelming, but in a good way. Even if it was just his hoody. He couldn't wait to discover what it felt like to touch his skin.

"Sorry, I didn't think that would scare you," he smiled and swallowed back the emotion that was forcing its way up his throat. He was still getting used to Jacob's timid personality because it was the complete opposite of him.

Jacob stood there like a statue, wondering why Hunter wanted his attention.

"Oh um," Hunter thought desperately of something cool and logical to say. "I was wondering if you wanted to do more of the project? Maybe I could help teach you the theories?" When Jacob looked down at his fidgeting hands, Hunter wanted to smack himself for panicking.

Jacob wanted to say no because he needed time to himself, but he didn't have the confidence to say it.

Hunter could hear his thoughts. "It won't be long," he said quickly. "Where are you headed?" He knew the human was going to the field even after he told him not to go. It wasn't safe.

"Um... nowhere," Jacob whispered and stepped back when Hunter was a little too close. His chest still felt odd and heavy but he assumed it would pass.

Hunter now knew it would be difficult to tell him who he really was if he can't even spark up a conversation. Jacob was a man of very, very few words but that just made Hunter excited to get to know him.

"Well um, are you headed to the field? Your brother says you go there sometimes for peace. I don't blame you, I go there too sometimes." Hunter lied right to his face but he couldn't tell him that he listened to his thoughts, so he always knew where he was.

Jacob nodded and shuffled backwards when Hunter stepped closer. His brother's friend seemed to be someone who didn't acknowledge other people's space. Or maybe that was just him being weird.

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