Chapter 23

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The next morning, Jacob didn't speak to his parents. He got up early, even though it was a Saturday morning. He left the house before his parents had the chance to wake up.

Jacob had been walking for almost an hour with his head stuck in his thoughts. He needed to see Hunter who had been on his mind all night. Jacob even had pleasant dreams about sleeping next to him and once again found himself disappointed that he was alone.

He had realised that he was accepting his feeling more and more with each passing day. Jacob found out who Hunter really was on Wednesday. He never thought he'd come to terms with it so fast. Those feelings he felt were powerful; almost giving him no choice.

"Jacob, where are you?"

Hunter's voice made him jump. Up until now, the werewolf had been asleep. Jacob looked up to see himself surrounded by trees. He hadn't been keeping track of where he was going. "Um... I don't know."

"Why are you up and outside so early?"

"Because I wanted to be," he mumbled and looked around again. Jacob really had no idea where he was.

"Are you making your way to my house?"


Hunter sat up in his bed and stretched. "And are you now lost?"


Hunter reached over and picked up his phone. He dialled Sam's number, and he picked up almost immediately.

"Yes Alpha?" Sam questioned.

"Go and find Jacob, he got lost on the way to my house. He's in the woods."

"Yes, right away-"

Hunter hung up and climbed out of bed. "Sam's coming to get you." Jacob wasn't sure how he'd be able to find him in the woods. It was huge. "He knows your scent; he'll be able to smell you from at least a mile away."

Jacob sat on a log, assuming that he'd have to stay in the same place. It was no surprise to him that he got lost; he was a daydreamer. Jacob needed to be more careful. It wasn't safe to wander the woods, not now that he knew werewolves existed.

"That's interesting," a woman's voice said, startling Jacob. Standing behind him was a woman who looked to be in her late twenties. She had long brown hair that flowed freely in the wind. Her jeans and grey vest hugged her curvy figure. "You're sharing a mind link with someone." Jacob scrambled to his feet and backed away. "And you have Hunter Rayson's scent on you."

How did she know Hunter? Was she another werewolf?

"What's going on?" Hunter asked and received no reply.

"But you're a human. Don't tell me he is mates with you," she chuckled. It wasn't with humour.

"W-Who are you?" Jacob stuttered.

"There's no way an alpha mated with you, that would be so embarrassing," she grinned with eyes as emotionless as a corpse.

"Jacob, who's with you?" Hunter had started getting dressed. He didn't like what his mate was thinking.

"I don't know. It's a woman who knows about you."

"Wait until my pack finds out about this. We've been looking for a way to get back at Hunter after he crossed into our territory," the woman's smile turned into an odd expression of anger like she was baring her teeth.

Hunter stopped and stared with intense concentration. His mate was in danger, so he had no other choice. He blocked Jacob's mind link and connected with his whole pack.

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