Chapter 60

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Anthony rested a gentle hand on Scott's shoulder when he looked a little worried.

"Now, I don't want tension between us, I was lost for years when my parents died and at first, I blamed the man who crashed into them but I also praised him. He saved my son but killed my parents. There was an investigation put into it because I demanded it," Anthony sometimes hated talking about it. There was not a day that went by when he didn't think about his mum and dad. "There was oil on the road and nobody had reported it. All your dad had to do was simply break and he'd lose control. Which is exactly what he did. The person who spilt the oil and didn't report it got fined and that was that."

His parents were gone in a blink of an eye and he could do nothing about it. His son was broken but at least he was living and able to be patched up from that dark day.

"I can't believe it," Scott glanced over to his boys. They were so sad when their grandad died, he was the one grandparent who Jacob loved because he was fully accepted by him, unlike Grace's parents. "What a crazy coincidence."

"I know," Anthony sighed and watched his wife. He was telling her in his head what they were talking about. "These things happen more than you think. I'm sorry that your father died to save mine."

"And I'm sorry that your parents died due to mine." Scott never thought he'd be talking about his father like this. "But I am glad he saved your son. He has been a blessing in our lives."

"He can be difficult at times but I love him more than anything in the world. I hope one day he can find peace with what happened. He really beats himself up about it."

"Poor thing. I'm sure if he told Jacob about it, he would be extremely supportive."

Hunter sat a few feet away from the pool and crossed his legs. He didn't like seeing Jacob close but he needed to pull himself together. It wasn't like he was alone and helpless. People are here who could help if anything did happen.

"This water is so nice. I hope the weather stays like this all week." Sam lowered himself into it and swam over to his Alpha who was sitting at the other side.

"It won't," Jacob mumbled, unintentionally.

"Can you tell with your powers?" Sam asked. It was obvious that Hunter was tense and jumpy, he always has been when around water.

Jacob simply nodded.

"I don't know how." He shrugged, not really understanding his capabilities yet.

"So what's the weather forecast?" Sam chuckled but his eyes were sympathetic. He understood that something drastic has happened in his Alpha's life to make him hate water so much.

"Um, storms all week."

"Yeah, okay then lightning keeper," Sam spoke with sarcasm and flicked some water at Hunter who turned when the back door opened and Scott walked out with Nathan. He was followed by his wife Kayla and their son Vic.

Hunter silently sighed and turned back to his mate with dull eyes. He didn't want to see his one true enemy today and try to be friends. It was going to be uncomfortable.

"Don't be difficult with him. If he's being nice, be nice too," After spending every day with Hunter, Jacob understood that if he didn't like a situation or a person, he wasn't exactly cooperative and easy to get on with. Hunter was a little dramatic and sometimes did things that suited him, not others.

That was all part of being dominant and a high ranked Alpha.

"Fine," Hunter muttered. He would do anything for his mate and if that means being civil with Vic, the Alpha of the filthy rat pack, then so be it.

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