Chapter 84

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When the boys returned to their beautiful house, Hunter felt blessed and proud of the life he has. For a while, he thought that luck was never deserved when he received it. How could he accept it when two people died and he was responsible? Yet, today felt like a new beginning. He could see what he rightfully earned and that was all the happiness in the world.

It has been horrendous for Anthony to watch his son struggle as much as he had. Losing his parents was very difficult but he wasn't there and it was eating away at Hunter, constantly thinking about what would have changed if he could swim?

Now that he has let it go, he felt free from his guilt.

"I won!" Jacob stopped in the garden and panted hard when William hurried over.

"Can I throw sticks for you or something? I'm so bored."

Jacob changed into his human form and stood up. Although, William was quickly distracted by the many love bites all over his body. And of course, Jacob instantly felt incredibly judged and embarrassed. His cheeks burnt red when he really wanted the ground to swallow him up.

Hunter laid on the floor, too tired to care.

William quickly pulled off his hoody and allowed his younger brother to have some form of dignity. Jacob put it on at lightning speed. He would surely pass out from embarrassment if anyone else saw.

"Don't worry," William chuckled and shook his head when the hoody was a little tight on him. "I'm not judging. Whatever you get up to is none of my business... unless you're not happy about it?"

"It's fine," Jacob spoke quickly. "I'm fine. I mean... um, yeah, it's all fine."

William laughed and patted his shoulder.

"Your speech is flawless."

Jacob crossed his arms while Hunter watched a flower pot full of small tulips. They were dying until Jacob approached them. Then all of a sudden, they were filled with life and stood up tall.

The werewolf eyed his mate with awe. He is magnificent and truly very special. He was starting to see things in a clearer light whenever they were together.

"So... are you too tired to play in your wolf form?"

"Yeah," Jacob breathed, only just getting his breath back. "Hunter will play with you though."

"What! No, I'm barely alive right now."

They both looked at his wolf, lying hopelessly on the grass. His tongue hung out of his mouth while he panted like a dehydrated dog.

"It doesn't matter, I'm just bored and I'll think of something else to do."

"Play with Sam?" Jacob suggested.

"He has gone home to collect more stuff, Anthony went with him."

Hunter lifted his head, hoping that his parents won't cause too much trouble. Sam didn't need to cope with the stress.

"Where's Nana?" Hunter questioned.

"In the kitchen, I can see her."

William frowned and flashed him an unusual stare.


"I was replying to Hunter." Jacob smiled shyly and sat down next to his werewolf.

William's eyes traced his hands with an amused twinkle.

"I'm just glad you're not actually crazy and there was an explanation for the voice in your head." Hunter's wolf whined lightly before nudging Jacob with his nose, wanting attention. "I don't know what you're moaning at, it was your fault," William grinned. "If I knew I befriended the person who was talking to my little brother, I probably would have beat you up... but failed because you're a werewolf and you probably would have killed me." William then frowned like he was thinking hard about something. "I might see my college friends. You know, the project is due next week."

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