Chapter 61

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Werewolf Hunter's are ruthless. They have one mind set and one way of thinking. They believe that werewolves are unnatural and don't have a right to exist in a world where humans are dominant and in charge. They think that because they live in secret, it's insulting to try and trick the superior race and live among them like they're equal.

And that's exactly how Nathan's parents think.

"How do you know this?" Anthony questioned.

"Grace told me," Nathan sighed. "We met up in the woods a few days ago. It was the first time I had seen her since Jacob was born."

"What exactly did she tell you?" Scott asked. If this information is true, he was ready to get extremely angry.

"When we met up, she told me like she was proud of it. I thought that she had only just found out but apparently, she told my parents about me as soon as I showed her who Kayla really is. That is why they don't like her but they rejected me because it was easier than killing me. I am their son after all."

"Did she tell them about Jacob?"

Nathan shook his head.

"Of course she didn't. She was too ashamed that her family wasn't perfect."

Jacob's heart was punctured. His mum hid him from the world because she was humiliated by him? It was too much to hear, he wanted to block it out and pretend like it wasn't happening, just for a little while.

Hunter turned when he felt his affliction. He opened his mouth to ask if he needed a moment alone but he was gone. He blinked, not expecting that.

Jacob didn't even make a noise. Nothing moved, not even the atmosphere. One moment he was here, the next he was gone.

"What the-" Vic frowned and Hunter instantly sat in Jacob's spot, not wanting to sit next to him anymore.

Everyone looked up, realising that he was no longer here.

"He's having time by himself." Hunter studied his thoughts, trying to figure out where he had gone.

* * * * *

Jacob's bare feet were quickly standing on cool grass but his landing wasn't smooth and he fell onto his knees. He sighed and looked up.

He was kneeling in the field he used to visit when he had tough days at college. This is where Hunter followed him and connected the bond.

He fell onto his back and stared up at the clouds. They were growing dark and he knew the storm was coming to comfort him.

"Where are you?" Hunter's voice filled his head.

"In a field."

"Okay, I'll fill you in on what else we talk about later. Enjoy your peace and quiet."

Jacob laid down, smiled to himself, and closed his eyes. He took a big breath of fresh air and let it out slowly. He could hear the birds singing to each other in the distant trees. He could hear the occasional buzzing of insects and the rustling of leaves in the afternoon breeze.

Thinking of his mum and her unpleasant family was clouding his thoughts so he blocked it out. He fully relaxed and thought about the other gods that he could feel.

It was a very odd sensation. He couldn't contact them but it was like their souls were mixed together.

He wondered if they were confused about the change or if they knew it was going to happen. He wondered if they came from human families or if they were already werewolves. He also wondered if they were royalty and high ranked civilians.

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