Chapter 55

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Grace turned to walk away but stopped. Could she really leave things this shattered?

She turned to face the son she ruined and stared into his pained eyes. She then looked at William and wondered if Jacob would have been like him, bubbly, chatty and not afraid to be himself. Maybe he would have been a flirt, maybe he would have been extremely talkative or loved to make friends and be social.

She took that opportunity away from him. Maybe nobody will see who he truly is because it's so deeply buried with all the stress and the anxiety.

"I just want you to know that-"

"I don't care," Jacob felt a little numb. "Just leave." He turned and walked past Nathan and Kayla. He avoided everyone's eyes and took Hunter's hand. He didn't stop, he didn't look up, he kept going and his mate happily followed.

Everyone watched them climb up the broken steps and into the house. A low grumble of thunder was present in the sky as Grace sniffed back her shame, embarrassment and guilt before turning to leave. It was clear that whatever she said would not be heard until the atmosphere was calm once more.

When Jacob grew closer to the bedroom, Hunter turned him around.

"It's not just your mum's fault, I'm to blame too. I was the one who made you think that you were going crazy for a year. I-"

"She has done that to me all my life though Hunter," Jacob said quietly. "She used to yell at me and tell me I was annoying for being too loud when I was little, even if I was trying to be quiet. She said people got sick of hearing my voice and that I should be seen, not heard."

Hunter felt his grip loosen on his hand.

"Yes, you didn't help and maybe made me worse but it was my mum who told me I wasn't strong enough to cope and that people didn't want to be friends with someone like me. She knew exactly what she was doing and that was to break me so I wasn't fit to be a God."

Grace used to yell at him when he became too boisterous and made him feel unwanted. Then later on in the day, she would shower him with love so he didn't see it as abuse, he thought she just snapped for being stressed therefore he would do all he could to please her and if that meant growing shy and quiet, then so be it.

She used to tell him that he could never go around to friends houses or play with them on the street. She would tell him that they said mean things behind his back and she would hug him and tell him that he was perfect. But of course, that's when the trust issues started. She told him that he can not trust anyone because he would never be good enough in other peoples eyes.

He was little when this all started and the memories were gone but the effects of her words would always be visible. She never loved him enough to let him grow and be himself. She was too worried about wanting a perfect family and one that wasn't involved with werewolves. That is why she abandoned her brother. She was ashamed because it wasn't normal, it wasn't up to her standards of perfect living.

"What you did to me was cruel," Jacob whispered. "But I forgive you. You were only scared and I know how bad you feel. Mum did it for years and years without a second thought. That's what hurts the most."

"I feel like I've seen more of the real you within this past week than what I did in a whole year because you're away from her bullying. My pack really look up to you. Jonah wouldn't stop talking about your electricity and you should have seen the excitement on Ricky's face when the thunder hit. You're going to be a huge role model to so many werewolves, you're meant to be in this world. Your mum failed at ruining you Jacob, you're proving it by how well you're handing the power."

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