Chapter 15

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Hunter stayed until eight in the evening. He felt rundown about how the day went. Jacob didn't want to talk about them being mates or him being a werewolf after they left the bathroom. It was hard for the human, he needed more than a few hours to get used to the craziness of meeting an actual werewolf

When Hunter arrived home, he couldn't bring himself to greet his parents who were sitting at the dining table. He could only walk past and enter his room, staring glumly at the floor and hoped they didn't notice.

Anthony looked at his wife who shared the same expression. They were so eager to find out what was going on with their son.

As Hunter laid back onto his bed, there was a knock on his door.

"Hey, do you want any food?"

He listened to his dad's voice but could only concentrate on his soulmate. He wanted to call Jacob and speak for hours. "No, go away." He turned over to face the wall.

Anthony knew there was definitely something wrong if he didn't want food. "I'm going to open your door, don't freak out, I won't actually enter."

Hunter didn't move when he heard the creak of the hinges. Margo shoved her head into the room and they both examined their son, sulking on his bed.

"Hunter honey, why are you feeling so down?" Margo's voice sounded like it was crafted by angels. It was soft and incredibly calming.

He really wanted to tell them. Why was he so scared? If they rejected him now, what would he do? He would lose his mind for sure and he had to be strong for his pack. But not telling them was making him struggle even more. "Shut my door and leave me alone please." Even his voice sounded sad.

Anthony now had enough. His son was keeping something from them and he needed to find out what it was. So he did what was forbidden among werewolves and took a step into his room.

Hunter quickly turned as Margo gasped and pulled on his arm. "Get out of his room, you can't-"

"What are you keeping from us? Are you in trouble? You have to tell me."

Hunter's grey eyes grew as dark as clouds from a powerful storm. He glared at his dad while a low growl escaped his throat. "How dare you," he whispered.

Margo kept pulling on Anthony's arm but he ignored her.

"How dare I? You're keeping secrets from your own family. Why have you lost your loyalty and respect?"

"Get- out." Hunter's hairs were standing on end. He couldn't cope. Someone was in his territory. It didn't matter if it was his dad, it was totally unacceptable.

"Not until you tell me what's going on with you."

Hunter clenched his fists and moved like a wolf, stalking its prey. He growled again, causing Margo to dig her nails into her husband's wrist.

"Get out of his room," she hissed. "I can't believe you're doing this to him."

Anthony knew that if his son stepped into their room like this, he would have slapped him and pushed him back out. Hunter wasn't going to let him stand there much longer. But being in his room was proving to cause more problems, so he rolled his eyes and stepped back.

Hunter immediately relaxed and took a breath. "Why the hell would you do that to me?" he yelled. "I was so close to losing my temper."

"I'm sorry, Hunter," His dad crossed his arms. "That wasn't my intentions but I just need to know what's going on with you. We'll find out sooner or later."

His son stormed up to the door and grabbed the handle. "I'll tell you when I'm ready, now leave me alone." He slammed the door in their faces.

"Wait, so there definitely is something going on?" Anthony yelled but was silenced by Margo who pulled him away. She was going to have a long talk with him about how appalled she was. He couldn't just enter Hunter's territory. It was completely out of order.

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