Chapter 65

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"I don't think it's a good idea for the boys to be in college," Anthony rubbed his eyes and drank his coffee. It was almost half seven in the morning and he was debating taking Hunter out of college. It wasn't compulsory because he was eighteen. Jacob's eighteenth birthday is approaching quickly and if they're receiving missions, they have to fulfil them instead of staying in education.

"I don't either," Margo sighed. Hunter never talks about what he's learning and it'll end up being too stressful for them.

"Shall we just not wake them up for college today? If Hunter's tutor calls again I'll tell her that he's not coming back. She can't do anything about it."

Margo nodded while her mother entered through the front door. She is a very early riser and spent the past hour walking around the edge of the forest.

"Flora, I don't mean to sound rude but when are you going home?" Anthony asked rather sheepishly.

Flora stopped and allowed a gentle chuckle to escape her lips.

"Well, deary I can go whenever you're sick of me. I only intended to stay until the end of the lunar cycle."

"It's always lovely to see you mum but we have our hands full at the minute," Margo got up and wrapped her arms around her. "You're welcome to visit as much as you want when we move back into our old home, now that it'll be much bigger."

"I know love, it can get crowded very quickly in this house. One extra person is enough." Flora kissed her daughters cheeks. She had already packed her things. "Your father is missing me. He's missing you too but he'll visit in a few weeks."

Margo smiled and hugged her.

"I don't want you to be part of all this werewolf Hunting nonsense anyway."

"It's alright, young Jacob will sort it out. It is his mission after all. And my clever grandson will guide him in the right direction. They will work well as a team," Flora stood back and picked up her bag. "Right, I'm going to set off now."

"Would you like any food or tea before you go?" Anthony questioned after getting up to give her a hug.

"No, I'm okay. And don't worry about me on my travels, I may be old but I can put up a mean fight."

"I don't doubt that," He chuckled.

"And I know Hunter will be sad he didn't see me leave but I'll be back in a few weeks." Flora had a twinkle in her eye and Margo knew she would most likely spend her time travelling around the country with her dad. She's a free spirit and loves to be outside, experiencing new places.

"I'll tell them both you said bye."

"Okay, I love you all. See you soon!"

When she was gone, Anthony put his arms around his wife and pulled her against his chest. She hugged him back and closed her eyes.

"I can't wait to move back into our old house."

"I know," Anthony breathed out a content sigh. "But we should keep this home for a little getaway if life gets too much. I've learned to love it and I know Hunter has too."

Margo lifted her head and looked up into his eyes.

"I want Scott to live with us. He's a lovely man and I adore William. I can't bear the thought of them struggling. I know William can get a job to support him but we have an opportunity for them to live better. I think they'd like living with people instead of being alone in a house that's most likely full of memories about Grace."

Just then, Jacob landed on the floor and narrowly missed hitting his head against the table. Margo jumped and clung onto Anthony while Jacob spat out water and wiped wet hair from his face. He was gasping for air, soaking wet and looking a little confused.

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