Chapter 27

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Jacob wanted to be sick. How could she be so cruel? He felt a little numb and Hunter did everything he could to prevent himself from glaring at her.

"What?" William frowned. "They're not gay."

Scott and Grace turned to look at Jacob who glanced at Hunter.

"Don't panic, we can lie our way out of this," Hunter thought.

But Jacob wasn't sure if he wanted to. It would be easier for him if his family knew about Hunter. He just wasn't mentally ready for rejection.

"Yes they are," Alisha said with a confused frown. "I took a picture because it was just so sweet."

Scott studied his son. Why wasn't he or Hunter denying it or saying anything?

William watched her pull out her phone and go straight to the camera roll.

"Jacob, I can break her phone?" Hunter suggested. But still, his mate didn't say anything. He was frozen on the spot.

"Ah, here they are. See?" She showed them to his brother who frowned with surprise and confusion. He looked straight at Jacob and then at his friend.

Grace stood next to Alisha so she could look too. She gasped and also looked at her son with a frown.

Alisha happily showed Scott who didn't quite believe what he was seeing. She then turned it round and showed the targets. Hunter took her phone and he couldn't believe it.

In the pictures, he and Jacob were sitting together in the field. One was of them hugging, one was of them talking and one was of them kissing. Jacob clenched his hands into fists when he felt them shaking. He wasn't ready for this.

"Jacob?" Scott said calmly. "Is there something you want to tell us?"

Jacob glanced around at his family. He felt so small and so vulnerable.

"Would you like to make a run for it? We can face them later when they've come to terms with it." Hunter suggested. He could feel his mate beginning to freak out.

"Yes." Jacob just wanted to run somewhere far away. He had to escape this for a little while. So he quickly grabbed Hunter's hand and sprinted passed everyone. Hunter was pulled through Jacob's family but didn't hesitate to shove Alisha on the way through the door, causing her to fall against the wall.

That was the least he could do to her when people are around. He was going to make her pay for this. He was going to destroy her, bit by bit.

"Wait! Jacob!" Scott yelled but by the time he got to the back door, his son and Hunter were out of the front door and already running down the street, hand in hand.

William was staring at Alisha who had a small but detectable smirk on her lips. Was she aware that maybe she just ruined his brother's life?

But then again, that depends on whether Jacob will be accepted for who he is or not.

* * * * *

When Jacob and Hunter had been running through the woods for almost ten minutes, Hunter started to pull back. They had been running for a while and his mate was very out of breath. He was overcome with horrible emotions about his family which gave him the strength to keep going.

"Jacob," Hunter breathed and pulled him to a stop. "It's okay now, we're alone."

Jacob gasped for air and bent over, resting his hands on his knees. Hunter placed a gentle hand on his back but Jacob pushed him away and stood up straight.

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