Chapter 38

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Jacob sat on the couch and stared into space. Hunter was watching him after spending almost half an hour trying to make him look at himself in the mirror. However, Jacob refused. He didn't want to because he knew he'd see the changes.

He was very freaked out and kept talking himself out of losing himself and breaking down.

Margo and Anthony had been in touch with Margo's parents in hopes of finding someone who understood what was going on. Anthony doesn't have any parents, they passed away when Hunter was eleven. That is a time nobody speaks of.

"I can't go home like this," Jacob whispered. His eyes were fixed to the ground. He was scared that something else would happen to him.

"Let's just be thankful that this happened here and not at home." Hunter was sitting on the table in front of him. He leant forwards and rested a gentle hand on his knee. "I'm sure if you act normal around them and pretend like you've always been this way, they'll believe it. It's not like you were small before."

"I'll now be taller than my dad and my brother, they'll know."

"It's only by a few inches," Hunter sat next to him on the couch. "I like this change. Obviously, muscle is my weakness."

Jacob's saddened gaze watched him smile.

"Come on," Hunter stood back up and pulled him up too. It was odd that they were the same height but he'd quickly get used to it. "You should change."

Jacob's eyes dimmed, even more, when he felt Hunter's parents watching him.

When they were in Hunter's room, they continued to stare at the closed door.

"Nobody else can know about this until we understand what in god's name is happening to that poor boy," Anthony ran a hand through his hair. "It's bad enough that this is happening with no warning, but without an explanation is a lost cause. How can we help him?"

"We'll find answers, we have too," Margo said quietly. She felt so sorry for Jacob, he was obviously scared, frightened and confused with nobody who could truly help.

Hunter pulled out a t-shirt that was a little big on him, knowing it would fit his mate's new hunky size better. When he turned, his jaw almost hit the floor when Jacob pulled his t-shirt over his head and placed it gently on the end of his bed.

His pupils instantly dilated and a shiver of pleasure crawled down his spine. Jacob was toned, he was sculptured to perfection and Hunter just wanted to run his hands all over his body.

"Jacob, you are so hot," He walked over and gave him the top. "If you don't embrace this... perfectioness, then I'll do it for you."

"Perfectioness?" Jacob mumbled and to Hunter's disappointment, pulled the t-shirt over his bare body. He rubbed his eyes. "I want to change back, I don't like it."

"Well, I do. And if I'm honest, I don't think you can change back, this has obviously happened for a reason. You're not meant to be anything other than powerful, clearly."

"But why? I don't want to be like this."

"I know you don't because you don't have an explanation. That electricity stuff was just weird. But it's not happening for fun, there's a bigger purpose going on and I'm sure we'll find out eventually."

Hunter then turned and picked up some black shorts.

"put these on, they'll be comfortable to sleep in and they'll fit you." He understood that Jacob had serious confidence issues so he turned and allowed him to change. As much as he wanted to watch, privacy for Jacob was key until he was comfortable within himself.

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