ch.2 I don't do ladies

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Ch. 2 I don't do ladies

(Duke POV)

We headed towards the parking lot and I analyze the man.

Was he my neighbor? I've never seen him before but then again. I really don't pay attention and have odd hours.

I was walking behind him, he was wearing a suit so he's probably that cocky business man that gives orders around. That's totally the vibe I'm getting from him.

We suddenly approach a huge jeep and my mouth dropped as he unlocks the doors with his alarm key.

"No way. That's your ride?" I asked walking towards the Jeep and touching her all over.

"She's a beauty, damn she's beautiful," I said eyeing the beautiful creation in front of me.

When I looked up he had my daughter already in the car, secured and seatbelt around the baby seat.

"Can you get in already." He said and I rolled my eyes, getting in the passenger seat and closing the door of the jeep.

The AC was blasting on and I started to shiver.

He reaches his hand and turned the cold off a little bit.

"Thanks," I said, maybe this guy wasn't so bad.

"I did it for Jelly Bean, anyway put your seatbelt on." He said and I rolled my eyes doing exactly what he asked for me to do.

He pulled out the parking lot and started to drive.

"So who do you think the mom could be?" I asked him, feeling stupid about the question but I didn't want to be stuck in an awkward silence with this stranger.

"Obviously a woman you slept with, so that really doesn't bring down that list and I don't know you so can't help with that and I don't even think you can help yourself with that too." He said

"Where did you even come from?"I asked him, curious about what his issue was.

"Nowhere you know and like I said, I moved into the building about a month ago. So I don't know you or honestly cared to know."He said and I don't know why but that sorta bothered me.

What a jackass, I didn't understand why that bothered me. Maybe my ego just used to getting everyone throw themselves at me.

I stared at him. His beard was kept in good shape. He had black hair. it was styled well also.


what the fuck, this guy looks better than me.

I could see his gains even though he was wearing a suit.

a smirk appeared on my face.

"You hate me because I get more pussy than you," I said and the look on his face made me know that I was completely wrong.

"I would laugh, but that would have to indicate that you're funny. which you're not. But to put your mind at ease, I don't care that you do, we're here by the way." He said parking the car. I look up and very well we were right near the Walmart store parking lot.

"After this, we're going to Kmart which I'm sure they have more things for babies there." He said and I raised a brow as he got out the car.

He knew a lot about babies, did he have children?

I got out of the Jeep and found him taking out Kameron from her baby seat.

She was still sleeping and I let out a laugh which causes him to stop walking with the baby in his arms.

I'll do it for HER (GAY LOVE, BOYXBOY)Where stories live. Discover now