CH.21 His Story

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Ch. 21 His Story

(Dukes POV)

It was later on in the afternoon and Baby Kami was already asleep in her room.

I was sitting on the couch with Bernard, ready for him to tell me about himself.

I looked at his face to see if he was okay.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, he looked up at me and smiled.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking a little bit that's all." He said and I nodded my head, I could understand the feeling of wanting to open up to someone but getting yourself ready to do that because that's honestly how I felt with Bernard.

I wanted to open up to him but of course, I had to be ready when it came down to do that, I was scared of what he would think but that conversation we had earlier did have me feeling relief. It had me realizing that Bernard was honestly someone I could sit there and talk about anything that was bothering me, him or us.

"Well, I don't know if you noticed but there's still a couple of stuff I'm finding myself trying to get used too. I'm actually Amish, well was. Although I don't think you can completely drop your roots even though I've been banished from the lands. Well, I was, I started feeling uncomfortable not because of what I was going through with my inner thoughts but because I was scared of rejections." Bernard said playing with his hands.

"There was this guy, I guess what you will call a crush on but nothing came of it, of course, people started to noticed the way I started to behave around him when we would joke around and laugh. The rumors started to spread and my father couldn't have that. The guy of course, who was a friend of mine was angry that such rumors were being spread around about him, so he confronted me and then outed me in front of everyone." Bernard said and my eyes widened.

My heart clenched on the fact that he was outed way before he got the chance to come out himself.

I felt angry that someone would do something like that to him.

He let out a sigh.

"I have little brothers and sisters, I couldn't handle them being treated differently because of me. So my father called me over at dinner one day which surprised me because I wasn't allowed to eat dinner with them after the incident. He told me that I would be banished from the land, that what I do with my life is my choice." Bernard said, shaking his head and letting out a humorless laugh.

I moved closer to him and pulled him into my arms.

He snuggled close to me and I kissed his forehead.

"So I decided I would leave, it was my mother who pulled me aside. Telling me that she didn't care what anyone says about me. I was her son and I was good the way I was, I could whoever I decide to love and be whatever gender I decided to be with, She told me about her brother, giving me his number and addresses. Helping me pack my things, giving me one last hug and crying. Gosh, I could never forget the look on my mother's face, I almost pleaded to stay but she told me no. That I needed to be able to feel free." Bernard said and my heart warmed on what his mother has done.

"So I came here, My Uncle was surprised on the whole thing, telling me his story and introducing me to my Aunt and telling me how they met. They introduce me to the business and tell me everything they know, next thing you know I'm running their business as they're still the main chairmen on all of them. I'm so grateful to have them in my life and I'm so happy my Mother was accepting of me, but sometimes I still miss home you know. Sometimes I think of my Mother and siblings. Wondering why I had to be this way, but it's for the best. It's who I am." He said and I tightened my arm around him.

"Were you close with the guy who outed you?" I asked him.

"I guess you can say we were best friends, but no we didn't do anything if that's wondering." He said and I shook my head.

"No, I mean, have you ever confided in him or told him you were gay? Or did he just fit the puzzles together when the rumors came out and just exposed you in front of everyone." I asked him, softly. Being careful with my words. I didn't want to bring back bad memories to him although I knew they were clouding his mind.

"No, I never directly told him but I'm sure he figured it out. Now that I think about it was just a simple crush, I'm pretty sure I would have got over the feeling I had for him, I'm not happy with how everything happened but it happened and I'm okay with that. I got to meet good people in this Journey, so there are no regrets." He said, pulling himself out of my hold.

He looked at me and smiled.

"Who knew you would be such a cuddling and hugging type of guy." He said jokingly and I laughed.

"For you, I will always be like that. No matter what." I said in a serious tone, his eyes widened and I smiled.

"You know I will be," I said and he quickly gave me a peck on my lips.

I pulled him back to the kissed and pressed my lips against his, feeling the warmth of his lips.

Part of me felt a little jealous on the mention that he had a crush on someone back home, but I immediately became so happy when he told me that they didn't do anything, not even kissed and got angry again on the fact that a person could claim to be someone's friend but do something like that to them.

I asked for entrance and was granted it, feeling the way his tongue felt.

I nibbled on his bottom limps and a cute whimper came from him that had me smiling.

I had skills, he's seen nothing yet.

The kiss ended and I smiled looking at him.

"You know have really beautiful eyes." He said causing me to chuckle.

"Oh yeah?" I asked him and he nodded his head.

"You know you do Daddy." He said causing my face to get heated.

"I see you like calling me Daddy," I said and I was suddenly pushed down and laying on my back with Bernard on top of me.

"Yeah, because you're not only Jelly Bean Daddy but Mine also. I like the way you take care of me." He said kissing my neck.

"I won't ever get tired of your cooking and your nice gestures, so yes I love calling you Daddy. You're one beautiful Daddy" He said sucking on my neck.

I moaned. "Fuck Bernard," I said feeling his hand wander downwards.

"I'm not ready for that yet, but I'll let you know when I am." He said causing me to groan when he touched my cock.

"But I can do other things until then." He said trailing his kisses down to my chest.

Suddenly baby cries were coming from Baby Kami room.

I laughed and so did Bernard.

He got off of me and handed me his hand.

"Let's go check up on our baby." He said making me smile.

"Yeah, let's do that," I said taking his hand and making our way to Baby Kami room.

I liked that he said our baby.

I squeeze his hand as we walked into her room finding her looking at us and she instantly smiled.

I like this a lot.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

Awww, Baby Kami/Jelly Bean has made her way into all of our hearts.

In the next Chapter, Duke is going to tell more about himself.

I bet you all can't wait.

Why do you Dolls think Bernard old friend did Bernard like that? Any answers. Let me know what your answers are in the comments.

Give this chapter a VOTE & COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!


-Kassandra Vivu

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