CH.6 She's a good Mother

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Ch. 6 She's a good mother.

(Bernard POV)

I started playing with Kami because to be quite honest. I had missed her, I knew this baby would have me attached and also because I for one wanted no way into discussing how he happened to have found he had a child with to his  mother.

I couldn't even look him in the eyes because of what had happened last night, from what I had actually done while thinking of him.

I mean who could make eye contact with someone right after doing something like that.

Not me obviously, he probably noticed because he did give me a strange look. I obviously didn't want to get in any form of talking to him about the matter of why I was acting weird.

Kami instantly grabbed my nose which took me off guard and the look she had on her face of her trying not to laugh had me smiling down at her.

"You've got my nose, you got my nose," I told her and she let it go only to grab it back again.

I noticed that his mother was pulling him by the ear and asked him to tell her everything and he finally got her to stopped pulling him by the ear and decided to come sit right next to me.

I wanted to see how his mother was going to react to how she instantly became a Grandmother.
Her reaction of course was not what I expected.

He explained to her everything that happened from the very minute of our meeting and him finding out that the baby was his, the shopping trip and everything else which actually took me off guard because he was actually extremely honest with his mother.

I mean I guess he had no other choice but to be quite honest it was a relief that he actually told his mother everything.

"So this woman just abandon our Angel like that." His mother said and he nodded his head.

She stared at Kami, who was staring at me and still playing with my nose, I gave Kami my attention and focus on her because she was meant to be focused on.

"You're great with her, please tell me you're going to help my son with his daughter. Please, I will literally pay you because he is as clueless as it is when it comes to children," she said and I gave her a smile.

"Mom! I'm actually doing a good job you know," he said and she rolled her eyes, smiling at her son.

"There's no reason to pay, I'm actually glad that I am helping him. This baby has captured my heart and she is the most adorable baby ever." I told her, meaning every word I said.

she isn't the only one who's captured your heart. a voice in my mind said but I pushed it back because it had no idea what it was talking about at all what so ever.

"Yes I can see that she has you wrapped around her finger, that's how her father got me." She said and I smiled.

Yeah, I wasn't sure I wanted her dad having me wrapped around his finger.

"So Mom, you decided to come visit me?" he asked his mother, coming towards her to hug her and she quickly kicked him which had him falling over and had me taken off guard.

"Don't try to butter up to me now, you haven't called me. I'm just getting text messages from you. I get no visits, sheesh I am your mother Duke." she said, putting her hand on her chest.

Duke lowered his head and stood up. "I'm sorry mom I am really sorry, I'm going to change mom. I swear this little girl right here is going to be the only girl in my life and no one else is taking her place," he said which had his mom eyes softening up.

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