CH: 56 Moving things in

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CH: 56 Moving things in

(Duke POV)

Everything is going well; we moved things in and settled inside our new home.

Our new home, a home that Bernard and I both loved and can grow in.

Bernard and I relationship have been going amazingly.

Every time we were together, I found myself falling more in love with him.

Bernard understands me at a level that I never thought anyone else would until I met him.

The way he communicates with me, listens to me, and gives me his attention to let me know that he listens and cares, is something that I thought someone like me would never have.

I love being treated this way by Bernard, and of course, I was equally treating him the same way.

"There you're, in the kitchen," Bernard said, approaching me with me a smile.

"Yes, almost done putting things away in here. How's everything else going?" I asked him, and I smiled as he wrapped me in a hug and kissed my forehead.

"Everything else is going okay; things are starting to come together." He said, pulling back.

"Are you happy?" He asked me.

"Yes, I'm thrilled. Honestly, this is all wonderful, and I can't wait till we have everything moved in and everything where it's supposed to be." I said, knowing that Bernard would be able to hear the excitement in my tone.

"Yes, I know exactly what you mean. it's good that we also had some help from our friends and family with moving, plus the moving company." He said, looking around the kitchen.

"Yes, this place is bigger than both our places combined, so we have a lot of space and many things to do with the space we have," I said to him.

"I know, but yet I found myself excited about decorating Jelly Beans room," Bernard said, causing me to laugh.

It was true, from the moment Bernard showed Baby Kami around the house and showed her where her room would be, he's been raving about the bedroom idea that he has for her.

"I know that she'll love it," I said to him, watching his eyes sparkle.

"Of course, over the years, we'll have to change it. As she'll be growing up and all, and then turning into a teenager." Bernard said.

I nodded my head, part of me was nervous about Baby Kami being a teenager, and Bernard had sensed it from the very beginning.

Him comforting me about it and letting me know that it was normal for me to feel nervous, that everything would be fine, and that he would be here through it all with me helped me realize even more that I wanted Bernard forever.

I didn't just want him as my boyfriend, as the other parent to Baby Kami, but I also wanted Bernard as a husband.

I never thought about me marrying anyone; it never crossed my mind, and being a father never crossed my mind neither.

Yet here I was, a father and wanting to marry Bernard.

Picturing him as my husband makes me very happy, and it's something that I want to do.

I know Bernard would be pleased about it too.

"Do you know what you would like to eat today for lunch and dinner?" Bernard asked me, taking me away from my thoughts.

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