CH. 44 Our family and friends

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CH. 44 Our family and friends

(Bernard POV)

We had our family and friends over now.

My Aunt and Uncle, Duke's mom, Geneva, and Brooks, were here. We had plans with the guys we meet at the fair this week, and Duke said he still wanted to keep those plans and include Jelly Bean in as well, which was fine with me.

What happened today made me want to keep Jelly Bean more close to me as well.

"Well, she can't do anything. Everything is done; Duke has full custody of Kameron." My Aunt Gloria said.

"Exactly, I don't know what she thinks she can do, but she's going to have a restraining order on her," I said.

"It won't even make it to court, because there won't be the need to," Geneva said.

"The fact that she thinks she can just come and take Kameron like that after she abandoned her is disgusting." My Uncle said.

Duke nodded his head agreeing, he was upset, before the others came. He was talking about how he hated that he use to sleep around with women all the time. That if he didn't, then we wouldn't be in that situation.

I reminded him that we also wouldn't have Jelly Bean and he agreed about that.

I know he was stressed out about this, but he shouldn't be blaming himself.

It's not his fault but that woman.

Jelly Bean was playing around with Duke's mom Lilian, who's been quiet about this situation.

When she came in, she went straight to her grandchild.

I couldn't tell how she felt yet, but I know her main priority wasn't about that woman but the well being of her granddaughter.

"Kameron will be fine. You two will be fine." Brooks said.

My Uncle came and pulled me aside to talk to me.

"What have you handled so far regarding this?" He asked me, and I filled him.

He nodded his head as he listened to me.

"Good, because I can tell this is beating him up, and he's probably blaming himself." My Uncle said, and I nodded my head.

"He is, I'll have to keep telling him that it's not his fault at all," I said.

"You'll have to try, he might not believe you, and it'll take him a while to see that, poor kid." My Uncle said, staring at Duke, who was talking to everyone else.

"I'm glad you two have each other." My Uncle said, causing my attention brought back to him.

He was smiling at me.

"I'm thrilled you found someone to make you happy. You deserve it." He said. I smiled at my Uncle.

"Thank you, especially for taking me in and doing everything you've done for me if it wasn't for you and Aunt Gloria. I wouldn't have ever met him, or Jelly Bean and be doing the things I am doing right now with my life. I'm glad you left the Amish lifestyle, and I'm glad you met the amazing woman you have as a wife." I said, and my Uncle let out a chuckle.

"Wow, you know. You remind me of myself a lot. Sometimes it shocks me that you're not my kid, I'm not even that much older than you. Just 12 years, but wow, never thought my nephew would make me feel like a proud old man." My Uncle said.

I smiled; it was true. Even back home, I was told I reminded people of my Uncle.

Maybe that's why my mother suggested staying with him.

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