CH. 9 Wasn't expecting that

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(A GIF Of Bernard )

Ch. 9 Wasn't expecting that

(Duke POV)

I'm pretty sure at this very moment I looked like a deer caught by the headlights of a moving car.

My eyes were wide, I know that for a fact and to be quite honest, I assume he would start laughing so I was getting ready to laugh with him until I saw how serious his face was.

He realized what he said, he lowered his eyes but no gesture of taking it back or saying that he was joking was coming from him.

Okay, he definitely was flirting, I was sure of it. I was a master at flirting so I definitely know for a fact he is flirting with me.

To say I was shocked was an understatement.

The words that came out of my mouth shocked me even more but I found out that I didn't even mind what I said or asked.

What was going on with me?

"What do you like about it?" The words came out of my mouth, softly as if it were a whisper itself.

He looked up at me with widened eyes, he wasn't expecting that. Heck, I wasn't expecting to say that but for some reason I was curious. I wanted to know

What he liked about what he saw in me.

"Your eyes, the sparkles they hold when you look at Jelly Bean. Your smile the way it widens when something makes you laugh or you're thinking of something funny. That smirk you get on your face, that same smirk is like a mirror but your daughter is on the other side. How brave you're taking in the fatherhood, even though you weren't expecting it. How you're able to express yourself and your feelings without holding back. I noticed that you don't keep things in that deserve to be said and I like that about you also. It helps with this moment right now. I like how I know you're going to be a great father, how you immediately changed your ways because you know this is what's more important. Jellybean is more important, I like how you see that I care, that I care for both of you. Not just her, so you let me in your life. Even though it's just to help you."

He said and I didn't know I was holding my breath until I let it go feeling my face getting warm.

I moved from the stool, backed up and just stood to take him in.

His face was completely serious, I mean it's not like I didn't know he was gay. I know he is but I just didn't think he would be attracted to me especially how disgusted he looked about my actions while being my neighbor before Baby Kami came into our lives.

"Sorry I shouldn't even have said anything, I don't know what came over me." He said and I just stared at him.

Someone like Bernard was the type of person that was too good to like someone like me.

"Why? I thought you were disgusted with me? I mean, you've seen how I am. That's what made you have that opinion of me in the first place. So why would you waste your time liking someone like me?" I asked him. He stared at me and suddenly got up from the stool, making his way towards me.

I backed away from him, I wasn't scared of him at all it was just for some reason my smell was heightened. I could smell is cologne like it suddenly overpowered the space around. I kept walking back and he kept walking towards me. We kept doing this dance until my back hit the wall.

I looked up at Bernard because he was taller than me, but for some reason, I never noticed how much taller he was than me until this very moment when I looked up to him and our eyes were connected.

I'll do it for HER (GAY LOVE, BOYXBOY)Where stories live. Discover now