CH. 19 He was right

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Ch. 19 He was right

(Duke POV)

"Now I'm going to have you obsessed with me," Bernard said that had my eyes widen, but not out of fear but excitement.

I was excited because this was a feeling I've never felt before so I was wondering what he meant about that he was going to have me obsessed with him.

This was extremely something I was never expecting and the fact that I couldn't wait to get dick down or put my dick in another man before was something that should have taken me off guard but I just felt even more excited.

Bernard place kisses on my neck, sucking on the skin that had me gasping at the feeling.

He brought his mouth towards my ear, whispering words that had me squirming, then he nibbled on my ear.

He brought his lips to mine and I noticed that he was getting used to the whole kissing thing, I moaned feeling his tongue inside of my mouth and I took control of the kiss.

Noticing that his hand was making it's way to my region, he lowered his hand underneath my boxer and when his hand came in contact with my cock a moan came from me.

He brought his lips back to my neck, leaving kisses as he moved his hand up and down on my cock which had me moaning like crazy.

It wasn't just the fact that he was giving me a blow job, but the very fact that it was him who was giving it to me.

"Bernard," I said but my voice came out raspy, it was like I was losing the way to speak in a steady voice.

He went back to nibbling my ear.

"The noises you make are really nice, keep making them Daddy." He said and I came right there and then.

"Fuck," I said and he moved to look down at me.

"Sorry, I just.. I just couldn't take it anymore." I said and he laughed, bringing his hand that was coated up with his hand to his face.

"It's fine." He said.

I grabbed his hand and quickly wiped his hand on my boxer.

I was nervous because it looks like he was thinking of licking his hand and I couldn't see that.

Not now.

I grabbed his face and brought him down for a kiss.

He kissed me back eagerly and I smiled.

"You're getting good," I said after the kissing, catching my breath.

He pressed his lips on my nose and then forehead.

"Mmm." He said, laying next to me and bringing me into his arms.

I laid my head on his chest, hearing his breathing and his heartbeat.

"I'm glad you liked today, I really tried making it something that you would enjoy and a day that would be in our memories forever," I said, feeling his heartbeat and playing with the necklace that I got him, making sure we had matching necklaces.

I liked the gift because it would sort of let people know without actually saying it.

I mean, I have matching necklaces with another person.

A person who's a man, so I'm sure they'll realize that the two of us our in a relationship.

"It was, It made me really happy." He said and I smiled.

"Are you smiling?" He asked me and I nodded my head, feeling my face getting red.

"Aw, you're so cute," I said kissing his forehead, getting a laugh from him.

"Seriously, you were really amazing today. I wasn't expecting all of this and that made me feel really special, also makes me happy knowing that you put so much effort in." I said and I felt him snuggling into my body more.

"Good, because you're someone special and I meant everything I said today. We're currently boyfriends and I can't wait for us to learn more and more about each other. It's something I've never experience and I don't want to scare you off by saying I'm extremely looking forward to it and can't wait for the journey our relationship will take and also raising Baby Kami." I said. I said, looking into raising baby Kami with him

"You mean that?" He asked in a low soft voice.

"Yeah, do you not want that?" I asked him, I raised my head looked down at him with a smirk, he was teasing me.

"You know I want that," He said and I chuckled.

"Speaking of Baby Kami, I bet she's having fun right now," I said and He agreed.

Knowing how thrilled his Aunt and Uncle were about watching her for us. I was sure they were spoiling her already and having a blast with her.

"My mom seems to like you," I said and Bernard chuckled.

"My Aunt and Uncle like you also." He said and I smiled at that.

"So today marks our date. Can't wait to tell Jelly Bean that we're in a relationship. I'm sure she'll be thrilled." Bernard said and I laughed.

"Oh gosh, knowing her she would probably have a goofy smile on her face from you telling her that," I said to him and he laughed.

"Yeah, she probably would. I miss her when we do get her back?" He asked me and I chuckled.

"Tomorrow morning, Why? You sick and tired of hanging out with me alone already?" I asked him teasingly.

"No, never that," He said flipping us over and him being on top of me again.

He looked down at me with a serious expression.

"I've once masturbated to the thoughts of you." He said randomly, My face got hot and I knew I was blushing because I recalled picking it up that he probably did.

He lowered his head on my shoulder.

"I just wanted you so much, and I just couldn't stop thinking about you which led me to touch myself about you in the shower." He said.

In the shower... he did it in the shower

"You have me now," I said and he raised his head to look back down at me.

"You're not going anywhere, you know that?" he asked me and I gave him a soft smile.

I was fucking whipped.

I Duke, was whipped by another man.

"I don't want to be anywhere else but with you," I said meaning each word, he was definitely right. I did become a little obsessed.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

These two are so cute, damn. Haha. I like how Duke is realizing that feelings are feelings, I love how he realizes that his feelings for Bernard are something that shouldn't scare him. I ship these two so hard. Give this chapter a VOTE & COMMENT!


-Kassandra Vivu

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