Ch. 10 Glad this happened

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Ch. 10 Glad this happened

(Bernard POV)

After he kissed me again, I swear I was left breathless just from a simple kissed by him.

After he kissed me again, I swear I was left breathless just from a simple kissed by him

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He had no idea how much he had affected me and I like it.

I was staring at him and he was staring at me. I tried to hold back a smile but I couldn't which ended up getting a laugh from him. The laughed caused the smile to come out full blast.

"You're happy?" He asked me and I nodded my head. "Yes, Very," I said and he smiled.

"Good, you know you do look good in my clothes. Better than I do." He said laughing while analyzing how I looked in his clothes.

"You think so? I'm starting to get used to just wearing your clothes and hanging around you know." I said and he smiled.

He got off of me and for some reason, my lap felt completely empty as if he was supposed to always be on it. He sat right next to me, giving me a playful shove.

"So should we bring something to your Aunt and Uncles when we go over to see them?" He asked me and I thought it through.

"Maybe some Desert. My Aunt would actually really liked that." I said but I did have to let them know that I was definitely bringing two extra guests so they could be aware with preparation.

"So. You're not gross out right?" He asked me and I raised a brow confused to what the question even meant.

"You know because I've slept with a lot of Women." He said lowering his eyes as I looked at him.

I thought his question through and I saw him taking glances at me.

It was definitely something that he was nervous about, about what I thought of him sleeping around that much before we even met.

"You're clean right?" I asked him and he nodded his head. "Yes of course I am, I also always used condoms but I don't know how I ended up with a Kid, I know for a fact baby Kami is mine. Even though I am still going to get a DNA test with her. Guess the condom teared up or something. But I am clean I can promise you that." He said and I nodded my head.

"You're still going to get tested though, again this time showing me and giving me the proof," I said softly and he nodded his head.

"Okay." He said, looking at me and trying to analyze my face. I noticed he did that again, it's like he was looking for a reaction.

I did have one thing that was in my mind that I wanted to ask, why did he sleep around so much but I didn't know how to ask that question.

Maybe it was something that I shouldn't ask at all or something.

He grabbed my hand and brought it to him.

Putting his hand in mine, making us hold hands.

"I had sex a lot because I didn't really take it seriously. I didn't take the whole form of having sex serious, neither did I take relationships serious and I didn't take how people felt after it serious but I know you're different and I want everything with you to be different. I can promise you that, everything with you is going to be different." He said and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I wasn't going to lie. I was nervous and a little scared,

Duke is going to be my first boyfriend, not just a first boyfriend but my first relationship, my first lover and the first person I was letting in.

"Being with you is also going to mean that we're going to learn many things about each other," I said and he nodded his head.

I let out a sigh knowing that Duke was going to have to know about me from the very beginning, where I grew up, how my family is, why I basically left. Running away from home because I just simply couldn't handle the Amish way anymore.

"I know there are things about you, like probably many things about you that it's going to take a lot of you to tell me and I want you to only tell me those things when you're ready. Don't you ever feel pressured to tell me anything? So whatever you have to tell me, just tell me when you're ready. I also want you to know when our relationship has progressed in the future that I don't want to keep things between us you know. I've seen relationships where people keep things from their partners which gave me another reason I wanted nothing to do with any. I don't want that with us." He said giving me a serious look.

I smiled nodding my head, "Agreed, you're right there are lots of things I want to tell you but of course, I'll tell you them when I'm ready. So what do you want to do? It's your moment to take charge." I said and I didn't miss the devious smirk that crossed his face.

I was going to question why until my mind registered that he was probably smirking due to my choice of words. I held back a laugh because he was being extremely playful but I was starting to admire the fact that he was showing me another side of him.

"Well, I was thinking that we could watch three of my favorite horror movies, which I know for a fact that you haven't seen then I was thinking we could hang out with Geneva, the girl we met while buying Baby Kami stuff. She seemed really nice and she thought we were a couple." He said and I thought about it.

"Sure, I don't mind. We both have her number so we can ask if she's free. She actually helped us both a lot." I said remembering the day that Duke was looking extremely nervous just looking at the baby stuff.

"Yeah, I think she could be a mutual friend for us. A good friend for the both of us. I don't know, I've seen chick flick movies where every couple has two best friends or one. Maybe she might want to be ours." He said and I raised a brow.

"You're pretty excited about this whole couple thing huh?" I asked him and his eyes widen, I noticed his face was getting red. I found it the most cutest thing ever that I just realized that Duke was excited about just simply being with me.

"I mean, don't get me wrong I know we're not boyfriends yet," he said letting the words settle in.

"But you're the first person I am going to be dating, not only dating but wanting to be in a relationship with, I mean yes you're going to be the first guy I also get physical with but I want you to know that you're going to be a first for me on a lot of things so I guess it's also giving me a little giddy feeling. Like being able to come across something good that you've never thought you would be able too." He said and my heart clenched.

I'm going, to be honest.

He was not exactly what I expected him to be at all.

Not at all what so ever and that makes me also happy knowing that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

Like he said, at least open it up and read the first couple of pages, seeing for yourself if you would like it or not.

I brought his hand to my lips and kiss it.

He gave me a smile. my heart felt like it could burst.

"I'll have patience with you because not only is this new for me but it's also new for you. The whole being in a relationship thing and also being with another man." I said and he nodded his head.

"Thank you, I honestly appreciate that." He said and we sat in a comfortable silence until he spoke again.

"So tell me, did you really masturbate to me or what?" He asked and I let out a laugh, feeling my face heat up. Knowing for a fact it was red. I took a glance at him and notice he was smirking.

Oh, this was definitely going to be interesting, but I'm Glad it happened.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

How cute is Duke & Bernard? I like the way they're moving with each other and deciding that this is both new to them, even though it's new to them in different ways. They still respect the fact that it was new to them. A new feeling, a new encounter, a new experience and something nice to look forward too. Continue joining me in this beautiful experience with them. Give this chapter a VOTE, COMMENT & SHARE. See you in the next update, until then check out my other stories.


-Kassandra Vivu

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