Chapter 1

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Colby's POV:

The final bell rang and I was out of my seat and walking down the hall. I had my hood up and my head down. All I had to do was make it outside and I would be safe. I could see the door and I started to pass my locker, almost almost....

"Whats up Fagg?" (God I hate that word)  That would be the school bully Sam Pepper. I looked at the floor and tried to push past him but he shoved me against my locker.

"Answer me when I'm talking to you," He growled as he punched me hard in the gut. I grunt as tears jump to my eyes but I don't let them fall. He laughs as he hits me again across the face then knees me hard in the thigh. I whimper as he drops me on the ground and starts to kick me against the locker. He rears up for another kick and I block my face as I tense up in anticipation,  but nothing comes. Instead I hear a grunt and a thud, and as I look between my fingers I see Pepper pinned to the ground by no other than Sam Golbach. Sam held him to the ground and socked him hard in the face.

"Haven't I told you to leave him alone before?" He growled.

"I still don't understand why you protect him? He's worthless and a waste of space." I heard him wail.

"You and I both know I don't believe that and you and I both know why i protect him." his response was cool and calm.

"You don't need him, not when you could have me instead." Sam socked him once more in the face before shoving off of him. he walked over to me and reached out his hand, so I took it and stood up slowly. We walked out of school together and he was still holding my hand, I didn't mind but I did find it a little odd. He never hung out with me, and we never really talked either. And what did he mean by you know why I protect him? Today has been quite confusing. As we got on the bus he walked me to the very back and had me sit next to him.

"Let me see," he said softly as he looked at my chest. I slowly rolled my shirt up so he could see some of the bruises.

"Your coming to my house," he said simply as he looked into my eyes. I nodded and he laced his hand with mine again. 

When we got to his house we left our shoes and bags at the door and went straight up to his room. He told me to sit on the bed while he went into the bathroom that was connected to his room. He came back with a damp rag and knelt in front of me.

"Take off your shirt," he said still looking at my covered chest. I froze as my heart started to race.


"Your shirt, I need you to take it off so I can see how bad the bruises are." he smirked as he looked up at me.

"Oh," I smiled sheepishly as I took off my shirt so he could see all of my bruises.

Sam's POV:

I have to admit, I had to try really hard not to laugh at Colby's reaction. The expression of his face was like a deer in headlights and it was priceless, but my mood completely changed when I could see all the black and blue marks that dotted his chest. I looked over them slowly as I counted, thirteen of them, three of which looked brand new which had to of been from right after school. I felt bad for him, and not in the sympathetic way, I had told Pepper to stay away from Colby before, I told him I'd screw him up if he did it again, and so he did it again. As I slowly dab the rag over one of the bruises that had split open I thought back to after school, when I had him pinned to the ground. He asked me why I protected Colby, but he knew why, he had wanted me to say it, he wanted me to say that I loved him, that i was in love with Colby Brock. He wanted me to say it so that the whole school would know, and honestly I would have said it, if Colby hadn't been sitting right there. He doesn't know that I've been looking after him he doesn't know that I know a lot about him. Ever since band camp I've had a thing for the blue eyed brunet that only talked to me because of the senior drummer girl. And now here he was, shirtless on my bed, with bruises all over his chest. I swear to god I was going to beat the shit out of Sam Pepper tomorrow for this. I looked up at Colby and saw that he was biting his lip slightly, and I almost melted inside. 

"Does it hurt," I half whispered. He thought about it for a minute and then he nodded slowly. His eyes were a bright blue which is usually their color when he's sad or hurt, and it's easy to remember since my eyes do the complete opposite of his. 

"Sorry, I'm almost done," I said as I lightly cleaned off the newest bruise, well it was an old bruise that was turned into a new bleeding bruise. Once I finished I sat back and looked at him as he put his shirt back on. I internally wish he wouldn't but I can't always get what I want now can I? We sat there just looking at each other for a few minutes before Colby spoke again.

"Why did you tackle Sam for me?"

"Because I care about you and I don't like when people I care about get beat up." Just like I don't like when my crush as bruises all over his body. I thought.

"Oh....well thank you" He said looking at me as his eyes darkened a little. It made me smile when his eyes did that.

"Sure thing, don't worry about it," 



"How can you care about me if you never hang around me?" he asked. he was looking at the floor and I could tell he was a little embarrassed by his question, so I moved closer so he had to look at me.

"Because Colby, even though we don't hang out doesn't mean I don't want to be your friend or that I don't care about you and what happens to you. You just seemed happy by yourself reading a book and I didn't want to be bothersome." Now it was my turn to be embarrassed because it was true, there had been many times where I had tried to convince myself to go talk to him but he looked so happy reading that I didn't want to annoy him. Colby looked at me and laughed.

"trust me I would much rather have your company than read a book by myself in a corner." I laughed and smiled too. Maybe I would finally have a normal friend that wont try to use me for popularity or god knows what else. We spent the rest of the day talking and watching TV until Colby fell asleep on my lap. I smiled and got up slowly so I wouldn't wake him and turned out the lights. I stood there for a minute debating whether or not I should sleep in bed with him or on the floor.  I decided to please myself for tonight and climbed in bed gently placing Colby's head back on my lap before I fell asleep.

(1289 Words)

Hey guys! New story yay! I decided to write a new one because I felt like my last story wasn't really going anywhere but that happens sometimes when you write your first story. Shout out to emojay13 you should really check out her page. She is the sweetest thing and her stories are amazing! Well see you guys next time. Peace 

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