Chapter 37

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Sams POV

We had Brennen and Clarissa come home with us, Colby and I in the front and Clarissa and Brennen making out in the back of the truck. I smiled softly as I watched them. I remembered what that felt like, when you knew both of you were safe and you were able to hold each other in your arms. I reached over and grabbed Colby's hand with a smile, and he looked back at me with soft and bright eyes.

"You're okay right?" I asked softly as I rubbed circles on the back of his hand.

"Yea. Now that everyone is safe I'm okay." Brennen instantly looked up at his and something must have crossed his mind.

"Oh god that's right" he said softly and Clarissa looked at him with soft eyes. "God everything you just went through, and then you had to deal with my shit....god I'm so sorry."

"Brennen Stop apologizing it's not your fault." Colby said as he glanced back at him with soft eyes. "Ashley was pissed because her brother died and she just used you to go after me."

"He's right you know" Clarissa said softly as she caressed his cheek. "This isn't your fault. It never has been." Brennen looked between all of us and he wasn't ready to believe us, but Clarissa wouldn't let him argue it.

"Okay. I still feel like I have to make it up to you guys though."

"You will soon. You defiantly will" I  said with a smile and Brennen smiled back, and Colby was clearly confused.

When we got home we could hear soft giggling from the living room and there Angel was and she started crawling toward us and I stopped as my eyes sparkled as I knelt to the ground and Colby knelt next to me.

"Come on princess" I said smiling as I watched her and she crawled over to Colby and I with giggles. Colby was smiling proudly and I realized Devyn was filming as she crawled right into my arms as I picked her up and held her in the air "you did so good babygirl. You did so good"

"Now we're gonna have lots of running to do
Throughout the day." I laughed and smiled as Colby ran his fingers through the small amount of hair on her forehead.

"This is the best thing to come home to. Her crawling for the first time. It's perfect." Colby nodded as he rested his head against my shoulder as I held Angel close to me. Brennen and Clarissa were behind us and watching us with smiles and soft eyes. She reached up and batted at one of the strings on my jacket as she giggled and Colby smiled as Devyn sent the video for him to post. Of course everyone was obsessing over the video and it was the only thing on basically everyone's feed which I found adorable. Then angel somehow squirmed out of my arms and crawled over to brennen and held her hands up to him with a smile. I could see his heart melt as he bent down and picked her up holding her on his hip.

"Well hello there little angel" he said as I instantly started going live "it's been a little while hasn't it?" She giggled and placed her hand on his nose making him laugh and kissed her hand making her smile more. "You're so cute you know they don't you? You're so cute. Yes you are" the fans were exploding with all kinds of happy comments. They all loved how cute brennen and angel were together and a lot of fans were commenting how they didn't like brennen very much before and how this had changed their minds completely. Colby looked over my shoulder and smiled, and Clarissa was watching them with the biggest smile on her face. I knew this made her excited for later. She hadn't told him yet of course because she didn't know how to. She didn't want him to think she had cheated because she hadn't but she was nervous that he would forget the day they spent together. I told her I would help her plan how to tell him properly so he wouldn't flip out just like he was helping me. Angel started bopping his nose and forehead, and he would make weird noises each time which would cause her to start roaring with laughter. And everyone was loving it.

'When does brennen get to be a real dad @clarissamay' that made me laugh and I watched as Clarissa looked at her phone then tilted her head to the side and looked over at me before smiling then she shrugged. Brennen glanced at her confused before looking over at me and he realized I was recording then he glanced at his phone and realized I was live.

"Go say hi to the fans angel." He said in his baby voice as he set her down and she smiled as she started crawling over to us with bright blue eyes. I smiled as I got her crawling over to Colby in the live and everyone loved it. I was sure there would be plenty of edits in the morning. Colby picked her up when she was close enough and spun her in the air making her giggle and Colby smiled brightly.

"You are so adorable. Just like your daddy" I blushed hard and laughed as I shook my head and smiled as I looked at him.

"No. She's definitely adorable like you" he blushed and laughed with a smile and angel giggled in response. "See even she agrees with me"

"Shut up" He said blushing hard and Clarissa nudged me out of the way and grabbed my phone.

'Go' she mouthed as she motioned toward Colby and angel. I smiled and crawled over to them and kissed his cheek softly. He smiled and wrapped his arm around me as he set angel in his lap. She smiled and was playing with Colby's strings and I smiled before kissing him sweetly.

"Oh" I spoke softly and smiled "by the way I'm taking you on an adventure tomorrow just so you know" he looked at me curiously but nodded as he snuggled close to me as he closed his eyes. I honestly was a little nervous for tomorrow but brennen said it was perfect and I trusted him.

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