Chapter 32

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Colby's POV

I deleted the texts and pushed them out of my mind. I smiled as I looked at angel and picked her up, carrying her down the stairs and to the boys. Brennen already had his camera out and was finishing up his intro.

"And would you look at that" he said pointing the camera at us. "The queen has finally arrived, along with his beautiful princess." I laughed and flipped my hair dramatically as I held angel close to me. Then I finished walking down the stairs and walked over to him.

"Say hi to the fans Angel." I said as I gently picked up her hand and made her wave. She giggled and smiled making my heart melt as I watched her.

"Doesn't she just steal her heart? She already rejected me though, said I wasn't good enough" I hit brennen playfully and he laughed pretending to be fake hurt. "Wow brother. You wouldn't let me be with her?"

"No because someone would kill me" I taunted and he blushed hard as he looked at the ground. I laughed teasingly and he hit me. "Bro it's not my fault"

"Really?" He taunted.

"I'm not doing anything."

"Right uh huh"

"Come on you two let's go eat. I'm hungry" Sam said as he walked over to me and kissed me softly before gently petting angels head. He had the diaper bag over his shoulder and I smiled as we walked out to Brennen's truck. He had out a car seat in his truck for her since Clarissa wants to babysit Angel any chance she could. I strapped her in the car seat and Sam sat next to her. I kissed her forehead softly and closed the door. When I hopped in the truck I reached my hand back and Sam held my hand with a smile. Brennen set up the camera and smiled when her saw the two of us before pressing record.

"Alright so we're heading to tendergreens so little Angel can see the famous sponsor." Brennen said laughing.

"It's obviously super important she sees it. She needs to learn where all the money she's soiled with comes from" I said laughed and Sam shook his head with a smile as he was looking at angel with a smile.

"Also okay I'm just gonna say it now because I know I will be saying it for the rest of the day but literally you two are the freaking cutest couple in the entire damn world." I blushed hard and laughed pulling my hoodie over my nose.

"Brooooo stap it you're making me blush" Brennen laughed and I could see Sam hiding himself with the car seat but I knew he was blushing too.

"What it's true. Don't you guys think it's true? Just leave a comment down below and tell me what y'all think" he said smiling as he looked over at the two of us. I shook my head and smiled as I held Sams hand tightly as I slowly dropped my hoodie and fixed my hair. Then we started talking about all kinds of random things, like we always did when we were in the car, whether or not the camera was on. When we finally got to tender greens Brennen grabbed the camera and I let go of Sams hand to help get angel out of the car. I grabbed angel and Brennen handed Sam the camera which made Sam laugh.

"Aww it's just like the Sam and Colby videos" I teased and he rolled his eyes.

"Yea well that's because you're known for doing stupid things in our videos so I hold the camera so you won't break it." I laughed and shook my head

"Fair enough fair enough." I said as we walked inside and went to sit down. The three of us had been in here enough for them to know what we usually got based on the day of the week. Yes that's how often we come in here. We sit down at a booth and Sam sits next to me as I prop Angel up in my lap. He smiles, nuzzling the side of my head brennen turns the camera back on. I later find out he turned it on in time to catch us being adorable and he added it at the end of the video in a montage of us being cute.

"So. I have a question for you two." He starts and Sam and I look at each other with the same look that just reads 'oh god' before we look back at him. "How'd you come up with angel?" Sam actually laughed at that and I smiled, kissing the top of angels head.

"It's kind of a little sad but beautiful at the same time." I said softly as I looked at angel with soft eyes. Sam nodded and looked at me. I nodded back telling him it was okay.

"While Colby was pregnant he was having one of his episodes. The voices were back and they weren't leaving him alone.  As I was talking him out of it angel was lightly kicking him, almost in a reassuring way. So I thought of her as his angel" Sam said as he gently ran his fingers through my hair as I leaned into his touch. Brennen awwwed and I could tell he zoomed in on us.

"You two are so perfect and adorable. I swear I'm almost jealous."

"Yea ALMOST" I teased with a smirk and Brennen groaned.

"Stopped trying to expose me" he whined and I laughed.

"You might have exposed yourself" I teased and he whined louder and I grabbed the camera and pointed it at a blushing brennen who was hiding his face as I laughed.

"Stopppp it colby. Whyyyyy" he whined and I laughed.

"There will Be questions. Just call her and ask."

"Finnne" he laughs a little and sighs before grabbing his phone and calling her. "Clarisssaaaaaaa" there's a pause "how do you feel about-yes that. Really?" He was grinning and then his phone started ringing again. He looked at it and smiled before answering it and turning the screen around showing Clarissa on FaceTime and she waved to the camera.

"Hey Taylorfam. There's something we need to talk about"

"The thing Colby's been trying to expose me about to be exact. So for a few months now Clarissa and I have been hiding the fact that...."

"Were dating" she said smiling and I could see she was walking and a few seconds later I pointed the camera to the door where she walked through and waved to me with a grin. Brennen whirled around and he had the biggest grin on his face. She jogged over to us as he climbed out of the booth and they wrapped their arms around each other.

"I thought you were in Arizona" he mumbled into her hair and she laughed.

"I was. But I came home early to see you." He smiled and sighed as he hugged her tightly and I smiled as I left the camera there and gave Angel to Sam before getting up and slipping off to the bathroom. However, I never made it to the bathroom because the instant I opened the door a knife was on my throat and a hand over my mouth as I voice brushed against my ear.

"Now Brock did you really think you could get away from me that easily?"

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