Chapter 2

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Colby's POV

I woke up to a beeping noise which was odd, my alarm clock played music to wake me up. Then I noticed something else, my pillow was extremely warm. I slowly open my eyes and realize one of two things, 1. I'm not in my room and 2.I'm sleeping on someones lap.

"Good morning Colby," a voice hummed softly. I knew that voice, the voice of the one and only Sam Golbach, which meant I was sleeping on the lap of the one and only Sam Golbach. I sit up slowly and rub my eyes. 

"What time is it?" I slurred sleeply

"It's about 8 right now so we should probably get ready for school." He smirked at me and thats when I realized something else, I was going to have to borrow clothes from Sam. Could this morning be anymore awkward?  I look up at him and stutter out

"I-I don't have a ch-change of cl-clothes,"

"Thats ok you can borrow some of mine," He smiles brightly at me. God he's so cute- what I didn't say anything um I dont know what your talking about.... anyway I climb off of his bed and stretch while Sam digs through his closet. He pulls out a pink tee-shirt hoodie and  tosses it to me. Then he starts to dig through his drawers until he finds black ripped jeans, its like he has known me my whole life.

"You can change in the bathroom," he nodded in the direction of the bathroom conveniently connected to his room and I walked inside and shut the door.

Sams POV: 

I watched him walk away and I laughed to myself. I wasnt expecting to get that outfit back any time soon. After we changed we grabbed a quick breakfast and rushed to the bus. Lucky for us my house was always the first stop on the way to school. 

*** because I can time skip to school***

 When we walked inside everyone was looking at us. Well everyone was looking at Colby, and that probably had to do with the fact that he was wearing my clothes which, by the way, fit him perfectly. There were whispers and small smiles sent our way, so what if the whole school knew and he didn't? As long as he didn't me I was happy. As we were rounding the corner I saw Sam Pepper walking from the other end of he hall. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Colby, he looked at me with an icy glare and I raised an eyebrow, silently reminding him he still had to deal with me for what happened yesterday. He quickly turned around and stormed back the way he came. I looked over at Colby who was already looking at me and I simply shrugged.

"Don't worry about him, I still have to deal with him later."

"What do you mean you have to deal with him?" He looked confused but it was so adorable.

"I had warned him awhile ago that if I had ever found out that he hurt you that I was gonna beat the crap out of him. Well yesterday, and clearly many days before that, he hurt you, so now I'm gonna beat the crap out of him." I watched as Colby blushed slightly as he smiled at my words. I knew for a fact that no one ever defended him and that made me sad. Maybe I was the only one that saw the beauty in him, or maybe the whole school just wanted me to be happy, I'm not really sure. But whatever the reason I'm glad that I could be the one to defend him and make him smile like that. I laced my fingers with his as we walk to homeroom together and everyone in the hall smiles as the make a path for us and I had to refrain from laughing out loud. 

***Time skip to Pepper getting his ass kicked***

Colby's POV

It was finally time for lunch and Sam and I walked from our English class, now the weird thing was everyone who looked at us had a soft smile on their face as the walked to the side to make room for us. It didn't make sense to me but I just shrugged it off. When we finally reached the cafeteria I could feel Sam stiffen next to me. As I looked around I could see why, in the middle of the cafeteria was a big open space where a bunch of kids had formed a circle. All of them turned and started at us, and Sam sighed and walked toward them. I followed close behind because I knew what this was, this was our highschools "battle ring". If someone had something they needed to solve with another it was done here, and none of the teachers did anything about it, instead they took bets with other students and teachers. The circle of kids parted to let Sam through and he pulled me with him. Sam Pepper was already inside the ring with an evil grin on his face, he stood up when he saw us. 

"Would you look at that Golbach brought his boyfriend with him," Pepper teased. The entire crowd seemed to be glaring at Pepper when he said that.

"Wait wait wait wait." He shook his finger at everyone watching. "Are you telling me you approve of this?" The entire crowd smiled and held up their bet card. Every single one said Golbach. I blinked for a second trying to process what was being said. Approve of what? Sam fighting Pepper? No, he had made a comment before that..... wait, did Sam have a... crush on me? No that can't be right, can it? I mean he barley even knows me, well that clearly isn't true. I felt butterflies stir in my stomach as another thought hit me. Do I have feelings for him? I thought back to this morning when I woke up with my head on Sam's lap. I hadn't noticed it before but when I had first woke up it felt right, not awkward or uncomfortable, just right.  I thought about getting dressed and how I had sighed to myself when I slipped his shirt on. Maybe I do have feelings for him, and maybe he does have feelings for me. My thoughts were quickly interrupted by a grunt as Sam tackled Pepper to the floor.

"I win you will leave me and Colby alone got it?" He growled at Pepper.

"And if I win you have to go on a date with me," Pepper smirked. Sam socked him in the face three times hard. Pepper shook his head trying to clear it as Sam slammed his knee against his thigh.

"I warned you. I told you if you ever hurt Colby that I was gonna beat the crap out of you" Sam growled as he smashed Peppers head against the ground. Everyone around us was cheering and all I could do was smile. Now I could tell that I liked- no loved- the tough blonde haired boy with blue eyes, and I had all this time. I thought about all the things I know about Sam. Like the way he bit his lip when he was focusing on his work, the way his eyes lit up whenever I was talking to him. Or the way he was always sneaking glaces at me when he thought I wasn't looking. The way his smile lit up a whole room and how his eyes shifted color based on his mood, Icy when happy dark like the ocean when upset or angry and pale when worried. So Sam was right, even though we never hung out until yesterday it feels like we've known each other forever because of all the special things we've noticed about the other over the years. I heard a yelp and was brought out of my thoughts again. Sam had kneed Pepper hard in the crouch, he smashed his head on the ground one more time and growled.

"Never touch him ever again," before Pepper blacked out. All of the students cheered and every teacher around made the simple announcement that there would be no homework for the next two weeks. The entire school knew who was gonna win, and the entire school knew how both boys felt. Sam grinned sheepishly as he looks over at me and I could tell I had a big grin on my face. I took a deep breath and called upon all of the courage i had as Sam stood up and started to walk towards me. I briskly walked over to him and I placed both of my hands on his face and kissed him in front of everyone.

(1476 words)

Yay the second chapter is up. I'm sorry if this is like cliche or whatever because I am a dork but I thought it was cute and fluffy which is why I wrote it the way I did. I hope you guys like it, Peace. 

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