Chapter 30

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Colby's POV

Colby: what do you mean?! I literally just saw you! Just watched you assault me and almost shoot me! Then Sam shot you at point blank range and you were dead and put in an ambulance! So how the fuck are you texting me right now and why the fuck are you lying to me and trying to ruin my life?!

Brennen would like to FaceTime.

Brennen: See look, at my house, not an ambulance. No gun shot wounds nothing. Whoever's been hurting you was not me. Thank fuck I texted Sam when I did then because I actually saved his life.

Sam: What the fuck?! How the hell is this possible?! You should be dead!

Brennen: Colby was saying the same thing......Wait what was he wearing?

Colby: your light blue smile brennen Taylor hoodie. And white ripped jeans.

Brennen: Shit. That hoodie went missing like a month ago, along with some of my other clothes. Whoever was trying to rape you was not me. Someone is trying to be me to ruin your life.

Colby: Wait.....okay now I need to ask an important question. What was the last normal conversation we had?

Brennen: We has a random one before your accident then I was gone on tour for like nine months and I got back like two weeks ago and have been trying to catch up on sleep.

Colby: On my god so you don't know about angel or any of that.....

Brennen: Angel....?

Sam: Can you come over here like now? We have a lot to talk about

Brennen: Yea I'll be there in five.

I ran my fingers through my hair as I leaned against sam once the FaceTime ended. This all kept getting weirder and weirder the more that unfolded. When Brennen got there sam went to answer the door while I went upstairs to get Angel. As I gently picked her up out of her playpen and held her close to me as I smiled and heard Sam talking to Brennen. I sat in the living room as I waited for them and rubbed her back gently as she giggled and I heard the door close. They came in a few minutes later and Brennen looked at me with soft eyes then in shock when he saw the small girl I was holding. 

"Holy crap" He whispered softly. "Is she...?"

"This is your god daughter, Angel. Angel this is brennen" I said softly as I stood up and walked toward him and he was smiling brightly as he looked at her. I handed Angel to brennen who held her close to him as he gently rubbed her back.

"She's so beautiful." Brennen whispered as he looked at her with soft, loving eyes. "Why would anyone try to break up the family of such a beautiful girl?"

"That's what we're wondering. And I was so confused on why you were. Now it makes sense, since it wasn't you."

"Yea.....I don't know why someone is pretending to be me, but I hope whoever it is is dead."

"Wait.....didn't you two have that stalker like a month ago? They were taking videos of you and posting it on YouTube? Didn't they also leave a threatening note?"

"Oh yea, I remember that." I said as the memories came back from brennen and I's creepy stalker. Then his thought process hit me. "You don't think that that was...."

"That's exactly what I think. It would make sense. For someone to stalk you guys for so long and then turn around, pretend to be one of you to ruin the life of the other."

"Bro...." Brennen breathed in shock. "That's so messed up. No one should be doing that ever. That's not cool."

"No kidding." Sam said as he shook his head. "But whoever it is has a clear creeper crush on Colby and was assuming he'd get what he wanted if he was you. Which means he takes your guys clickbait way too seriously." Brennen gently kissed the top of angels head before handing her back to sam who took her upstairs for a nap. I felt really uncomfortable being alone with Brennen, and it was gonna be really hard for me to erase what this person had done to me as Brennen, but it would hopefully be easier when we find out who had actually been doing all of those things to me. Brennen could tell I was uncomfortable and he gently rested his hand on my shoulder while keeping good distance between us so I wouldn't freak out.

"I'm really sorry that someone has scarred you like this. And if this person somehow survived the gunshot wound, then I'm gonna beat the crap out of them." I nodded and wrapped my arms around him hugging him tightly as I sighed.

"Thank you." I breathed as I kept close to him. "For understanding. And I know it might take a little bit for things to go back to the way they were but I will try to work through it and try to remind myself that you will never hurt me. Especially not on purpose." He hugged me back with a soft sigh as he rubbed my back and Sam came down the stairs.

"We will help you get through this. Both of us will always be here for you" brennen said softly as he kept his arms around me and I nodded. We stayed like that for a few minutes and Sams phone rang so he answered it. We then went to sit on the couch while Sam was pacing.

"And you're sure that's the name he gave you? There was no ID?" Silence "okay thank you. Yes I understand. Of course. Yea have a nice day." Sam hung up the phone and ran his fingers through his hair. "Your imposter is just barely alive, living off of every machine in the building, but his claiming that he's you. His ID however says Jack Martin." I froze and so did brennen.

"Jack Martin?" Brennen half whispered. Sam nodded looking at us confused.

"I thought he killed himself in high school....he's the one stalking us?" I asked as I ran my fingers through my hair.

"You guys know him?" We both nodded while Sam looked at us confused "how?" I looked at the ground.

"He's Colby's first boyfriend"

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