Chapter 31

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Sams POV

I stood there in shock. Colby's ex boyfriend? I didn't even know Colby had dated anyone else in high school...but then again we weren't friends until junior year but still. Why hadn't he ever told me? He knew about Kat and Megan and Michal, why hadn't he ever mentioned Jack to me?

"I thought he was dead." Colby mumbled. "That's what the school said. They claimed he was in the bathroom with his wrists slit and he had bled out. We all thought he was dead. He's been stalking us the entire time?" He shivered and Brennen put a hand on his shoulder.

"We should have known, from how he treated you, how possessive he was."

"Yea...I guess but he's supposed to be dead"

"That is a little weird...why would he fake his own death?"

"To get out of the humiliation of being dumped by Colby. I mean I know you didn't follow much gossip, you kinda just stayed in the shadows, well until Colby had had enough of peppers bullshit." I nodded as I remember the day he stood up for me.

"Yea, that would make sense. I broke up with him, realizing I only liked you Sam, and he was livid. He claimed that I was just using him, that I was trying to humiliate him. I didn't think he would fake suicide though."

"I guess it was kind of a personal jab at you too"

"Yea that wasn't fun, at all". I walked over to him and sat next to him as I wrapped my arm around him.

"That wasn't right for him to do that to you, and now that he's back, and trying to come after you? What's his problem?"

"He was jealous, he was angry and he wanted to hurt me, for supposedly using him and then dumping him when he became no use to me." I sighed as Colby curled up into me, wrapping his arms around me as he tried to calm down a little. "I'll be alright, once I know he's gone, permanently"

"Well he shouldn't survive that shot, and Sam Pepper knows what he did to you, so I doubt he'll let the hospital keep him running for long." I said softly as I rubbed his back and he nodded, but I could tell he didn't quite believe me.

"Why don't we go out to Tender Greens today?"Brennen suggested as he looked at Colby trying to think of anything to take his mind off of what was going on. "We could bring Angel and then everyone in the Taylor fam can officially meet her." Colby perked up at that idea and smiled as he looked at me.

"I think that's a great idea, Angel could finally see the famous sponsor. And I'm sure all of our fans would love that content" I smiled when Colby said that and ran my fingers through his hair. I knew it would very easily take his mind off of everything going on. He smiled back at me before he kissed me and went upstairs to go get Angel who was already starting to wake up. I smiled and sighed as I watched him walk up the stairs. Once he was gone and we heard the door open brennen turned to me.

"I'm really scared for him."

"I am too. I don't know what our chances are for that asshole surviving the shot or not, but I don't like them. What if he comes back and takes Colby from me? Or worse kills him on the spot?"

"That won't happen. I know you wouldn't let that happen."

"What if I'm not here to prevent it from happening?" Brennen looked at me with soft eyes and hugged my tightly.

"Colby will be safe. No one is gonna hurt him again I promise." I hugged him back and sighed, trying not to think about anything happening to Colby.

Colby's POV

I was a lot more relaxed, having something to distract me from what was going on. Until I had finished dressing Angel that is. I had put her into a yellow sundress which made me smile and my phone buzzed, a text from an unknown number. I looked at it curiously even though I knew I probably shouldn't have and my heart dropped.

You know I miss you baby. You know brolby will forever be better than solby. Sneak out to see me tonight, he won't know. Then it can just be the two of us, forever ;)

Fuck off Jack!!! I know it's you!! Get your jealous ass out of my the fuck are you alive right now?!

Jack? Who the hell is Jack? Is there another guy in your life that I don't know about? And I'm alive because god wants me to be with you.

Jack stop it! It's bad enough you pretended to commit suicide so I had to carry that around the rest of my life, but now you're stalking and raping and hurting me?! This is rediculous and you need to learn that I don't love you anymore!!

Damn it Brock! Don't you get it?! You never stopped loving me, it's always been me not Sam! That's why you carried my suicide with you everywhere, that's why you were more freaked out when I was brennen! You still love me Colby no matter what your fucked up boyfriend tells you. You know angels actually my kid, you know you've been dating me forever. All of it has been us not him!

Your tricks don't work anymore! Sam broke your hold on my when you committed suicide you asshole! Sams the one I love and angel is his baby! So you need to leave us the fuck alone or Brennen is gonna beat the living shit out of you when he finds out.

Right cuz you're gonna run to the guy that raped you. Smart people do that.

He didn't rape me. You did. And I'm done with your bullshit. You can't stop me and you can't have me. Goodbye jack

You'll regret this Brock! You and the rest of that fake family you created. All of you will regret this.

I took a deep breath and blocked the number before putting my phone in my pocket and picked up angel. I wasn't going to tell Sam or Brennen, there was no reason to worry them with this bullshit when it meant nothing...right?

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