Chapter 35

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Colby's POV

Sam definitely kept him promise. When I woke up the next morning wrapped in his arms with him slowly rubbing my back he looked at me with bright eyes and a smile.

"Morning princess."

"Morning daddy." I mumbled softly as I nuzzled closer to him. He started kissing along the side of my neck lightly as he whispered.

"Did you sleep well baby?" I bit my lip and held back a moan as I nodded. "Enough to have a lot of energy?" I nodded again and clung to him a little tighter as he kissed over my collarbone. "Good, because I want to keep my promise." He turned us so I was laying on my back and he was on top of me, kissing along my chest and along my abs as he watched him as I bit my lip. Sam slowly started to tug my shorts off as he looked up at me with a smile. "Have you been a good boy kitten? Do you deserve this?" He purred and I nodded eagerly as I ran my fingers through his hair.

"I've been such a good boy daddy" I said with a slight whimper as I watched him. "But it's up to you if I deserve it." He looked at me with loving eyes and slowly tugged off my boxers as he kissed along my V line.

"You are such a good princess you know that? You remember your rules and you always obey them. You definitely deserve this" Sam then slowly licked along my slit causing me to moan and whimpered softly, feeling longing build up inside of me. Then he slowly licked along the underside of my cock and taunted me just a little before he started to suck on me. I moaned and tangled my fingers in his hair as I watched him and he sucked on me harder and I tilted my head back moaning a little louder as I bit my lip hard.

"Fuck daddy. I've missed this so much" I moaned loudly and he laughed softly, his tongue flicking along my slit sending shivers through my body.

"Such a little skit for daddy aren't you? You live when I make you shake and beg don't you?" I nodded while he rubbed his fingers along my rim making me whimper as I closed my eyes.

"O-Only for you daddy" he smirked and kissed along my side before sliding one finger into my ass making me yelp and moan softly. I tried to rock back on his finger but he held me in place and kissed under my pecks slowly with a smirk.

"You know that's not how this works. I control what you get, not you" I whined softly but nodded as he fingered me slowly, driving me crazy as I squirmed wanted so much more. He smirked and slowly slid a second finger in causing me to moan louder as I bit my lip.

"P-Please daddy. I-I need your cock. I need it inside of me so badly" he smirked and slowly licked along my neck.

"Is that what you want baby? For me to fuck you into this mattress until you can't take it. Until your screaming out my name like a whore." My cock twitched at the thought and I nodded desperately as I clawed at him. He smirked and nuzzled the side of my neck slowly. "And you're okay with this? This won't make you upset in anyway?"

"You're different than him. You won't bring that back. You're so much better than him" he nodded and kissed me softly and slowly pushed into me with a smile. My breath hitches and I moaned in pleasure as I closed my eyes with a smile. "That feels so good" I mumbled against his neck as I held him close to me.

"God you're still so tight for me baby. I love you so much" he grunted as he slowly bottomed out, his hands on either side of my head as he smirked, kissing along my jawline as I squirmed, adjusting to his cock inside of me. He waited until I whined, giving him permission to move before he started to thrust into me slowly, causing me to moan loudly as I tilted my head back in pleasure as I smiled. He kissed along my neck and collarbone and up the front of my neck as he picked up speed a little, causing me to dig my nails into his back.

"Fuck that feels so good" I moaned out as I bit my lip and Sam  smirked against my skin. But before I could get any real friction there was a crash from downstairs. I jumped and clung to him tightly as I whimpered, remembering the sound of the door slamming shut. Sam pulled out slowly and pulled a onesie on my before slipping into his boxers and shorts as he picked me up.

"It's okay baby. Let's go see what happened Yea? I'll protect to you I promise." I nodded and clung to him tightly as he opened the door and carefully carried me downstairs, where there was a mess in the hallway. Pieces of wood and metal was scattered across the floor and there was whimpering that could be heard. We didn't know what we were gonna find, but I don't think I could have ever been ready for it

Sams POV

I carefully stepped into the hallway and looked around to find devyn against the glass door holding her arm.

"Devyn" I breathed as I walked over to her and put Colby on the ground next to her. "What happened?"

"I-I don't know. He came from nowhere. I didn't think it was really him, but something is wrong, I don't think it is him. Not really."

"Who? Who didn't this to you? Who..." before I could finish my sentence Colby let out a small squeak

"Brennen?! What happened to you?" I whirled around to see Brennen standing in the doorway but something was wrong. His eyes were purple not green. Oh no.

"Where is she?"


"You know who Colby! You took her!"

"What are you talking about?" Colby asked confused but I knew what was going on.

"Brennen..." I started as I walked toward him slowly. "Colby didn't take Clarissa. I promise you he didn't. You can look around the house she's not here. But I know where she is, if you let me show you something" he seemed to relax and I walked toward him slowly with my hands up so he knew I wasn't going to hurt him. As I reached him I reached out my hand to touch his shoulder to guide him to the bathroom but he swung his arm out and cut from my shoulder down to my arm. I screamed out in pain and was gonna drop to the ground but he grabbed my arm and held me up with a smirk.

"Colby, bring me Clarissa and I'll give you Sammy back. Simple trade. Or I'll just kill him slowly so you know the pain I'm going through." Tears slid down his face and I could tell he wanted to believe us but it was keeping him from seeing the truth.

"Okay....okay I can bring you to her just....please don't hurt him. You know how much he means to me." I watched Brennen soften when he said that and he let go of me.

"Let's go. Before I do something I'm gonna regret later." Brennen mumbled as he walked out the door.

"Colby..." I groaned and he ran to me, kneeling in front of me. "What was he talking about?"

"Don't worry about it, just know I knew it would get him to let you go." He ran his fingers through my hair and I sighed.

"I'm not letting you do this by yourself."

"I know. But I need to take care of you first. Okay?" I nodded, but he never got that chance, because apparently cursed brennen was very impatient.

"Let's go. Bring Sam with you" Colby sighed and helped me up. I didn't like how this was going, and I knew this wasn't going to end well

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