Chapter 11

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Sams POV

I had been sitting in the hospital for about a week now and I hadn't left his side once. Elton, Corey, Aaron, Amanda and Devyn had all come to the hospital to try and get me to come home but I shook them off. It was my fault he was here and I wasn't going to leave his side. If I hadn't crashed the car then he wouldn't have smashed his head against the tree and he would be home safely like a week ago. The doctors said if he didn't wake up by tomorrow they were going to have to pull the machines. I was biting my nails and sobbing every three minutes. I couldn't lose him, we've been together for years and been through so much that I would probably die if I lost him. Elton had come back and was sitting next to me as he rubbed my back.

"I know it's hard Sam but I think you have to let him go. It's been a week and he hasn't woken up and they're gonna pull the plug on the machines today. Come on let's just go home, I don't want you to be here for that." I was shaking as I stood slowly and I was wiping my eyes as I started to follow him out of the room when I heard a loud gasp. I shot around and saw Colby was rubbing his eyes and tears were running down his face.

"Colby?!" I ran back over to him and knew next to his bed as I placed my hand on his chest as I looked at him with hopeful eyes. Colby was gasping and sobbing then he shot up and opened his eyes shaking horribly.

"I love you never forget that" he mumbled then he looked at me and I looked back at him with relief filled eyes.


"Yea Colby it's me. I'm right here" I reached out and gently caressed his cheek softly wiping away some of his tears. He started to cry as he wrapped his arms around me pulling me close to him. Elton ran to get the doctor as I held Colby close to me and started to cry hard. We stayed like that until the door was re opened and Elton came back in with the doctor. I pulled away and finally was able to get a good look at our doctor and I almost laughed out loud. I wouldn't have recognized him if it wasn't for his slightly exposed chest.

"Laugh if you want. I was actually worried when you didn't notice in the first place" Pepper said flashing me a smile. Colby looked at him and laughed hard as you could see the red and blue stains from where we had thrown the balloons.

"You were never able to get those stains off were you?"

"Nope I'm a walking pride flag because of you. It helped me come out though so I definitely owe that school a lot. And you guys. Which is why I did everything I could to prolong the pulling of your cords and I'm glad I did since you finally woke up." Colby sighed and smiled then something crossed his mind and he looked at me with soft eyes

"How long have I been out for?" He asked nervously.

"About a week since the crash"

"The crash?" He looked at me confused. I took a deep breath and nodded looking at my hands.

"I had crashed my car into a tree on our way back from the movies with Devyn and Corey and you flew out the wind shield and smashed your head against the tree." I watched him and he looked really confused for a minute before something clicked.

"It was all a dream" he mumbled.

"What was all a dream?"

"Us getting kidnapped and me getting shot in the head to save you. I was having flashbacks when I was out and then it jumped to a tragic nightmare" he shivered and relaxed happy it was all a dream. Pepper walked over to him and sat on the other side of him in a chair and looked at him with gentle eyes.

"I'm just going to ask you a few questions to make sure that there is nothing seriously wrong and you should be able to go home tonight." Sam said softly as he smiled and looked at Colby. He nodded and sat up lacing his fingers with mine as he answered all of Sams questions easily.

"Alright your all set to go I'll just go get the release papers." Sam stood up and I stood with him as I smiled and I kissed Colby's forehead.

"I'll be right back"

Colby's POV

I relaxed when he kissed my forehead and I nodded. I watched Sam walk with Pepper and they stopped just outside the door and were whispering to each other.

"Just remember what I had told you. Your gonna have to be more careful with...that you know" was all I caught that was said by Pepper. I wonder what he meant by that. I didn't have much time to wonder because Sam came back and sat next to me and started to fill out what I'm assuming was my release papers and I relaxed. Whatever it was didn't seem to bother Sam at all so it couldn't be that bad. Within an hour I was back at home and everything had come back by now. I climbed out of the car and was gonna start walking inside when Sam grabbed my arm gently but firmly and he pushed me against the car with a small smirk. God he was so beautiful.

"I've missed you so much." He said softly as he kissed me sweetly resting his hands on either side of the car. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. God how much I've missed this. I felt him gently put something around my neck and I pulled away slightly to look and find it's the dog tag he had given me.

"They had to take it off when they took you away so that it wouldn't burn you from any heat you were exposed to. I've had it since then and I can finally give it back to you." He smiled and gently brushed my bangs out of my face. I blushed and rested my head on his shoulder as I hugged him.

"Thank you" I whispered and I kissed his jaw softly. Sam smirked and moaned in my ear quietly before scooping me up in his arms bridal style and carried me in the house. I smiled and had my face buried in the side of his neck and when he opened the door there was loud cheering and everyone, even circa buddy and Navie came running to see me.

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