Chapter 15

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Colby's POV
I woke up and looked around. The bed was cold which meant that Sam had never come to the bed. He probably stayed up late editing. It was still dark, maybe 3 in the morning. I sat up and looked around then blinked when I saw the note on the table. I picked it up slowly and tilted my head to the side.

You really couldn't figure it out could you? I don't fucking love you, at all. It was a mistake to get you pregnant and I swear to god that baby better die soon and burn in hell where it belongs. I made easy money off of your vulnerability, Katrina gave me $300 in cash because of what I went through. Have fun raising a kid by yourself, if either of you live that long.
Thanks for the free cash,

I read the note over and over until my vision blurred and I started to sob. How could he do this to me? I thought he loved me, I thought he was happy that we were having a kid. Clearly all he cared about was money. I needed him, he was my support my happiness my everything. I was nothing without him. I tossed the paper on the nightstand as I sobbed and then I threw open my drawer and pulled out my switchblade. I spun it in my hands a few times as I looked at it. Sam had gotten it for me for when we do exploration videos.

"That would be about right" I laughed darkly. "I die by the weapon that was given to me by the same person that broke my heart" I sighed as tears filled my eyes again and just as I flipped it open my door was thrown open. I looked up dropping the knife is surprise as Corey marched over to me and picked me up dragging me from the bed as I was kicking and screaming.

"Let me go! I have nothing else to live for! He didn't love me just let me die."

"No! I'm not letting you kill your self over something you don't understand?" He grunted as he dragged me downstairs as I continued to scream.

"What are you-" I stopped when I saw the blood on the stairs. Then the blood in the hallway and I understood. He set me on the couch with a sigh and Elton came from the kitchen and he was on the phone. I looked around and saw the heel prints by the door and going up and down the stairs. I stood up and walked to the closet grabbing my jacket as Elton got off the phone.

"I called the police they said they would start to look for-" I cut him off as I grabbed my keys avoiding the blood on the ground as I only felt anger.

"They won't find him." I hissed as I threw the door open and walked out.

"Colby where are you-" Corey shouted after me but I slammed the door shut before he could say anything else. I ran to my car and hopped inside trying not to think about where Sam was. She was gonna pay for what she almost caused when I got there. I shuddered and pulled out of our driveway and started driving.

Sams POV

I could feel my head pounding as I groaned, my wrists pressing into cold metal, my back against damp concrete as I started to open My eyes. I blinked slowly as my vision cleared, I was in an old room of some kind. There were marks on the wall and puddles on the floor. The only light was a tiny lightbulb hanging from the ceiling that was flickering occasionally. As I slowly looked around I started to figure out where I was and I was tugging at the cuffs that were holding my hands above my head. I had to get out of here, she's only brought me here once and I didn't want to relive that day again. As I was struggling with the stupid cuffs the metal door opened, causing me to stop and look up in fear. Katrina walked in with her knife and a smirk on her face.

"Hey there Sammy, it's been a long time hasn't it?" She giggled as she walked closer to me. I whimpered and backed all the way into the wall.

"W-What are you gonna do to me?"

"Oh you'll see honey. But as long as you don't come out of here breathing I get my money" She smirked and spun her knife as she knelt in front of me. I growled darkly and spit in her face

"You know Colby will come find me."

"Not after the note I left him. He thinks you only love me and that Im paying you for dating him. Your never getting out of here alive, but maybe you'll see him on the other side" I gasped as tears filled my eyes and I struggled harder as she laughed. She grabbed my jaw tightly and tilted my head to the side slowly running the blade along my jawline. I stopped struggling and screamed out in pain as I tried to pull away from her. Not again, I can't let her do this to me again. Tears started to rub down my face as I screamed and I could just barely see her smirk.

"Having old memories come back Sammy? It's just like the day you told me you were gay. The day I dragged you here and did the exact same thing to you." She cut my shirt down the middle exposing the scar on my chest. It was dark and barely visible but you could still read it. She laughed as she traced her nail over the word she left scarred on my body forever, faggot.

"You know the best part about this time around? I can leave as many marks and scars I want because your dying before you ever get out of here" she smirked and ran the blade under the old scar as I screamed and cried.

"Please Katrina don't do this. What have I done to deserve this?" Her eyes darkened as she looked at me.

" You chose COLBY over ME! And now you will die because of it." She started drawing hearts on my arm with her knife as I continued to scream. Then she started to tug at my shorts causing me to whimper in fear.

"I think I'm gonna have some fun with you pretty boy" she purred but before she could do anything else the metal door was thrown open and she gasped looking back at my hero.

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