Chapter 18

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Colby's POV

I looked at the ultra sound slowly, trying to see if I could figure out if it was a boy or a girl. I of course couldn't tell since I wasn't a doctor that specializes in ultrasounds but as I looked at the bottom of the page, in the corner there was a gender symbol drawn in the matching color. My eyes lit up as I smiled, looking at the color.

"Oh my god we're having a girl?!" I squealed excitedly while he laughed at me and nodded. I practically jumped into his arms as I giggled and sighed happily while he held me close.

"Do you know how hard it was to not tell you we're having a girl when I knew how happy you would be?" He asked me as I was curled up in a small ball in his lap as I closed my eyes and smiled.

"I'm assuming very hard" I said as I nuzzled into his chest and he nodded rubbing my back slowly.

"Yes very" He said softly as I giggled and he gently kissed my jaw, making me moan softly.

"You ready to go home baby girl?"I nodded and sighed as I started to stand up, but he stopped me, making me sit on the floor. He stood up and then picked me up like a little kid. I wrapped my legs around his waist as I blushed and rested my head on his shoulder.

"A princess deserves to be carried baby girl" He whispered as I giggled and hid my face as he rubbed my back and carried me back to the car.

Sams POV

I carried Colby all the way to the car and he had fallen asleep at some point. I gently laid him in the passenger seat and buckled him in before I closed the door and hopped in the drivers side and drove us home.

When we got home I carried him upstairs and laying him on the bed before I walked to the closet to put comfy clothes on. As I opened the closet I heard a groan and a whine. I turned back and saw him awake and I smiled.

"Hey princess" he looked at me and smiled softly as he rubbed his eyes before he sat up and pointed to the closet. I looked back at the closet and saw the oversized giraffe onesie and I pulled it out of the box and held it up to him.

"Is this what you want little one?" He nodded excitedly and reached out for it with big eyes. I smiled and walked over to him, carefully undressing him before I slipped him into the onesie. Once he was in the onesie, I gently rubbed his stomach as I smiled and he giggled blushing gently. I smiled and looked at him with soft eyes as he gently rubbed his stomach.

"Your so pretty angel." I said softly as I picked him up and and held him in my arms. He giggled and hid himself before pointing to the drawer as he looked at me through his fingers. I knew what he wanted and I held him close to me as I carried him to the drawer so he could pick out the paci he wanted. He picked a light pink one with a crown on the centerpiece and he quickly popped it in his mouth before resting his head on my shoulder. I gently pet his head as I walked back to the bed and sat down, holding him close to me. He was curled up in my arms, his head on my shoulder and I could he has regressed farther then he had in a long time.

"Are you a small little girl?" He nodded slowly and smiled softly as he continued to suck on the paci and reached out for the blankie on the bed. I picked it up and handed it to him and he signed softly as he gripped it tightly and snuggled as close as possible to me while I was gently rubbing his stomach as he closed his eyes.

"Are you tired baby? Are you a sleepy little one?" He nodded slowly and I smiled as I gently started to rock him gently so that he would go to sleep. He whined softly as he clung to me, feeling cranky and sleepy as I continued to rock him.

"It's okay princess, it's okay you just need to go to sleep." His whines got softer as he nuzzled into my neck trying to get himself to go to sleep. I gently rubbed his stomach and continued to rock him as I heard him yawn, and I threw a soft pink blanket over him as he finally slowly started to fall asleep. After maybe ten minutes his breathing got deeper and I sighed softly, happy he had fallen asleep as I gently started to lay him on the bed. The instant I started to pull him off of my shoulder he whined loudly and clung to me tightly mumbling a soft

"Nooooooooo" I sighed and held him in my arms again as I laughed softly.

"Alright baby alright I've got you I won't let go." I whispered softly and he smiled, cuddling into my arms happily as he went back to sleep. I lay down on the bed and hold him in my arms as I gently rubbed his back with the blanket wrapped around him. I couldn't help but smile at my precious little boy, who was sleeping so peacefully while carrying out precious baby girl. As I watched him sleep I started to feel sleepy as well and I slowly closed my eyes. I didnt get to keep them closed for long, because our door opened a few minutes later and and revealed Devyn who was smiling softly when she looked at us.

"Hey dev," I whispered softly as I looked at her with light, sleepy eyes. "What's up?"

"Hey sam, did you find out the gender of the baby?" I smiled and nodded as I continued to gently rub Colby's back as she smiled and looked at me questioningly. I smiled softly and pointed at the pink blanket and and she squealed quietly before nodding and backing out of the room with a smile and as she closed the door she mouthed 'good.' Once she closed the door I heard her running down the hall as she squealed and I laughed lightly before closing my eyes and slowly falling asleep. What I didn't know was the amazing surprise that our roommates were working on for us.

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